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311 Plaque(s) (and 413 names) in Postcode: SE1

9/11 Memorial - Marsh and McLennan (id=5461) Abbey Street Bridge - Landmann, George Thomas - London and Greenwich Railway (id=5523) Anchor Brewery - Monger, James - Child, Josiah - Halsey, Edmund - Thrale, Ralph - Thrale, Henry - Barclay Perkins - Courage Ltd (id=1520) Angel Place (Marshalsea Prison) (id=5452) Angus, Michael (id=8084) Astley, Philip (id=5400) Balding, Richard Courtney (id=5437) Battle of Alkmaar (id=6670) Battle of Waterloo - Wellesley, Arthur (1st Duke of Wellington) (id=5510) Baylis, Lilian (id=2320) Baylis, Lilian (id=5470) Belfield-Clarke, Cecil (id=7647) Bell, Natalie (id=2280) Bell, Natalie (id=3979) Bermondsey Abbey (id=2351) Bermondsey Abbey (id=5521) Bethlehem Hospital (First) Site (Bedlam) (id=7998) Bethlehem Hospital (First) Site (Bedlam) - Imperial War Museum - Harmsworth (1st Viscount Rothermere), Harold (id=2321) Bevin, Ernest (id=5526) Bevington, Samuel Bourne (id=5520) Bevington, Samuel Bourne (id=5527) Bingham, John - Queen Elizabeth I - King James I (id=8177) Blackfriars Station old entrance (id=2281) Blacksmiths, Worshipful Company of (id=117) Blake, Catherine (id=6151) Blake, William (id=1915) Blake, William (id=6150) Bligh, William (id=1397) Bligh, William (id=2322) Borough Market (id=2282) Borough Tube Station (id=2283) Braidwood, James (id=2284) Brandon, Charles (id=3168) Bristow, John Syer (id=6400) Burge, Bella (id=5464) By, John (id=3798) Chaucer, Geoffrey - Tabard Inn (id=2286) Cheselden, William (id=6408) Christ Church and Upton Chapel (id=6047) Christ Church Lambeth - Morley, Samuel (id=6045) Christchurch Fire (id=5411) Church of St Olave (id=5438) Church of St Thomas Apostle (id=5517) Clark, Frederick Le Gros (id=6399) Clayton, Robert - Gibbons, Grinling (id=6048) Clink Prison (id=2240) Clink Prison (id=2287) Coin Street Community Builders (id=6044) Cole, Harry (id=2288) Coles, Will (id=8583) Cons, Emma (id=2323) Cons, Emma (id=5397) Cooper, Henry (id=2356) Cornwallis, Frederick (id=8478) Cromwell Buildings - Waterlow, Sydney - Great Exhibition (id=5514) Cross Bones Graveyard (id=1291) Dickens, Charles (id=3169) Dimmer, John (id=5395) Dobson, Frank - Festival of Britain (id=5401) Druid Street Arch Bombing (id=2359) Druid Street Arch Bombing (id=5524) Early London Bridges (id=5458) Edwards, John Passmore (id=5412) Evelina Childrens Hospital  - Rothschild, Evelina - Rothschild, Ferdinand de - Farre, Arthur (id=5436) Faraday, Michael (id=2141) Faraday, Michael (id=8189) Fascists March 1937 (id=6385) Ferrymans Seat (id=2289) Firemen Plaque 12 (id=2290) Flagpole Silver Jubilee (id=3980) Frost Fairs (id=5434) Fry, John (id=3759) Garden Museum - Tradescant, John (id=6669) Gatehouse Square (id=5453) George Inn, The (id=1290) George Inn, The - Dickens, Charles (id=2291) George, Ernest (id=2360) Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Park - Harmsworth (1st Viscount Rothermere), Harold - Bethlehem Hospital (Bethlem/Bedlam) (id=1409) Golden Jubilee Bridges - Princess Alexandra (id=8582) Gordon, Cosmo (Archbishop of Canterbury) (id=5507) Great Fire of Tooley Street (id=5427) Great Maze Pond (id=3679) Greet, Phillip Ben (id=1396) Guys Hospital Boer War Memorial (id=5415) Guys Hospital Students at Belsen  (id=5420) Guys Hospital WW2 Memorial (id=5417) Guy, Thomas (id=3760) Guy, Thomas (id=3761) Guy, Thomas (id=3769) Gwilt the Younger, George (id=5460) Hall, Peter (id=5465) Hammerstein, Oscar (id=1523) Hardy, Bert (id=2292) Harvard, John (id=2293) Harvard, John (id=7289) Harvard, John - Harvard Chapel - La Farge, John (id=8178) Hays Wharf (id=5426) Haynau, General (id=2294) Healthcare Workers (id=6149) Hearn, John (Ernies Beach) (id=5433) Henriette Raphael Nurses Home - Raphael, Henry (id=5414) Hill, Octavia (id=2295) Hill, Octavia (id=2296) Hill, Octavia (id=2297) Hollar, Wenceslas (id=5459) Holmes, Frederick (id=5519) Holmes, Kelly (id=5469) Holocaust Memorial Southwark (id=5978) Homer (id=5530) Hoptons Charity and Almshouses - Hopton, Charles (id=5997) Hoptons Charity and Almshouses - Hopton,Charles (id=2140) Hubback, Eva (id=2325) Human BSE (id=3799) Inner London Education Authority (id=1401) Institute of Optometry (London Refraction Hosptal) (id=5504) International Brigade (id=5393) International Brigade (id=5394) International Brigade (id=6386) International Memorial to Seafarers (id=5497) Izzard, Ernie (id=5467) Jacob the dray horse (id=5525) Jarman, Derek (id=3768) Johnson, Doctor Samuel (id=5454) Johnson, Janet (id=2298) Joiner Street Bridge - Warren, James (id=5425) Jubilee Gardens - Queen Elizabeth II (id=5391) Jubilee Gardens - Queen Elizabeth II (id=5392) Keats, John (id=5421) Keats, John - Knight, Robert - Motion, Andrew (id=5422) Keats, John - Stephens, Henry (id=2299) Kelly, Jude (id=2300) King Alfred (id=6601) King Edward VI - St Thomas Hospital (id=6394) King George V - Queen Mary - County Hall (id=8082) King George VI - Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (id=6671) King, Gary (Clink Wharf) (id=2251) Kirkaldy, David (id=2301) Kirkaldy, David (id=3800) Knights, Brian (id=5980) Knott, Ralph - County Hall (id=8081) Lambeth Cholera Epidemic (id=3735) Lambeth Millennium Tree (id=4773) Lasdun, Denys - National Theatre (id=3977) Leigh, Vivien (id=5466) Lett, Thomas - Chantrey, Francis (id=8477) Lincoln Memorial Tower (id=6046) Lister, William (id=6405) London Ambulance Service (id=7451) London Ambulance Service War Memorial (id=7450) London Bridge - Rennie the Younger, John (id=5462) London Bridge and Borough Terrorist Attack (id=8428) London Bridge Niche (id=5423) London Bridge old approach road (id=5457) London Bridge Station - Princess Anne (id=6214) London County Hall (id=1400) London Fire Brigade - King George VI - Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (id=5499) London Hop Trade War Memorial (id=5515) Lower Marsh (id=4972) Luttrell, Henry (id=6056) Lygon, Henry (id=7243) Lyttelton, Oliver (1st Viscount Chandos) - Lyttelton Theatre (id=3978) MacCormac, William (id=6401) Mallet, Mrs (id=2302) Mandela, Nelson (id=4606) Maquis (French Resistance) - Szabo, Violette (id=2327) Marques, Wayne - Sharp, Evelyn - Doorkins the Cat - Southwark Cathedral Corbels (id=7349) Marriott, Bill - Angus, Michael (id=8083) Marshall, John (id=2303) Marshalsea Prison (id=2304) Marshalsea Prison (id=5447) Marshalsea Prison (id=5448) Marshalsea Prison (id=5449) Marshalsea Prison (id=5451) Martineau, Caroline (id=2328) McCall, Annie (id=2305) McKenzie, Albert Edward (id=2364) McMullan, James Alexander Meregillano (id=5428) Mead, Richard (id=6407) Mellor, Margaret (id=2306) Memorial Park at Guys Hospital (id=5424) Morley College Bombing (id=2329) Morley, Samuel - Royal Victoria Hall (id=5399) Mudlark Pub (id=2257) Murchison, Charles (id=6402) Myers, George (id=1410) National Windrush Monument - Watson, Basil - Duke of Cambridge (Prince William) - Duchess of Cambridge (Catherine Middleton) (id=6966) Newton, Isaac (id=5529) Nicholson, William (id=797) Nicholson, William (id=2258) Nightingale, Florence (id=5502) Nightingale, Florence (id=6404) Nightingale, Florence (id=8747) Olein, Marjorie (id=6668) Olivier, Laurence (id=3532) Olubunmi-Adewole, Jimi (id=8427) Overie (Overy), Mary (id=5435) Overie (Overy), Mary (id=5455) Overie (Overy), Mary (id=7168) Parish of St Saviours Southwark (id=5456) Patel, Meetal (id=8580) Pedley, Frederick Newland (id=5419) Prince Edward Duke of Kent 2 (id=8762) Princess Margaret (id=6049) Queen Elizabeth II - National Theatre (id=3976) Queen Elizabeth II - Prince Philip (Duke of  Edinburgh) (id=7972) Queen Elizabeth II - Queen Elizabeth Hall (id=7436) Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother - Guy, Thomas (id=5418) Queen Victoria - Musgrove, John (id=6396) Queen Victoria - Worshipful Company of Mercers - St Thomas Hospital (id=6395) Queens Walk - Queen Elizabeth II (id=5532) Queens Head Inn - Harvard, John (id=2332) Queens Walk Southwark Sundial (id=8130) Rabbatts, Heather (id=2308) Ragged School (Eleanor Keane) (id=902) Red Lines - Hill, Keith (id=5531) Redgrave, Steve (id=5471) Rennie Garden - Rennie the Elder, John (id=5533) Rennie the Elder, John - Rennie the Younger, John - Nancys Steps (id=5439) Rennie the Younger, John - London Bridge - McCulloch, Robert (id=8426) Ridley, Harold (id=2231) Rolls, Georgina (Lady Llangattock) (id=663) Roman Warehouse (id=5413) Ronald Bishop of Southwark - Frankham, Harold (id=8176) Rose Theatre (id=938) Royal Coburg Theatre - Prince of Saxe-Coburg (Leopold I of Belgium) - Princess Charlotte of Wales (id=5398) Royal South London Dispensary - Duke of Cambridge (Prince George) (id=8080) Salter, Alfred (id=4634) Seacole, Mary (id=2309) Seacole, Mary (id=2334) Seacole, Mary (id=5501) Seitz, Raymond (id=5505) Shad Thames (id=3680) Shakespeare, William (id=1522) Shakespeare, WIlliam -  National Theatre (id=3975) Shakespeares Original Globe Site (id=1519) Shaw, Eyre Massey (id=1411) Shelley, Percy Bysshe (id=2310) Sheridan, Richard Brinsley (id=6057) Silver Jubilee Walkway - Queen Elizabeth II (id=4775) Simon, John (id=6398) Skylon - Festival of Britain (id=5396) Solly, Samuel (id=6403) South Bank Lion (id=4774) South, John Flint (id=6406) Southwark Cathedral (id=2263) Southwark Cathedral Corbels (id=7348) Soviet War Memorial (id=5979) Special Operations Executive (SOE) (id=2337) Special Operations Executive (SOE) Norway Telemark (id=2336) Squires, David (id=5509) St Georges Circus - Crosby, Brass (id=5503) St Margarets Church - Borough Compter (id=2311) St Olaves Grammar School (id=5528) St Saviours Southwark War Memorial (id=5516) St Thomas Hospital - Bible, First Printed English (id=2312) St Thomas Hospital Bombing (id=6397) Stainer Street Arch Bombing (id=2313) Stephenson, Thomas - Action for Children (id=2314) Sterry, Henry (id=5518) Stock Aitken Waterman (id=8748) Stones End Fort (id=2315) Suffolk Palace (Place) (id=3252) Szabo, Violette (id=2316) Tatchell, Peter (id=2377) The Anchor Brewhouse (id=1766) The National Covid Memorial Wall (id=6393) The National Covid Memorial Wall - Wellesley, Charles (9th Duke of Wellington) (id=8480) The Old Fire Station Southwark (id=5999) The Old Fire Station Southwark - Smith, Christopher (id=5998) The Old Operating Theatre - Russell, Raymond (id=6175) The Pilgrim Trust (id=7290) Thompson, Daley (id=5472) Thrale, Hester (id=2317) Tibetan Peace Garden - Dalai Lama (id=5540) Tibetan Peace Garden - Dalai Lama (id=5982) Tibetan Peace Garden - Dalai Lama (id=5983) Tower Bridge (id=3767) Tower Bridge (id=6792) Tower Bridge - King Charles III (Prince Charles) - Newall, Paul Henry (id=6696) Tower Bridge - Queen Victoria - King Edward VII - Barry, John Wolfe - Tyler, George (id=6791) Tradescant the Younger, John (id=8479) Trehearne, John - King James I (id=7288) Treloar, William - Ragged School (id=6054) Tritton, Violet Alice (id=5522) Tuvi, Christian (id=8579) Unitarian Chapel Portico (id=1142) Vallentin, John (id=5500) Victory Arch (id=5406) Viscount Nuffield (William Morris) (id=5416) Walker, Herbert Ashcombe (id=6711) Walklings Bakery bomb (id=5506) Wanamaker, Sam (id=1163) Wanamaker, Sam (id=1521) Waterloo Free Buffet (id=8093) Waterloo Road Fire Station (id=5508) Weyonomon, Mahomet (id=2318) White Hart Dock (id=3734) White Hart Inn (id=2319) Winchester Palace (id=2265) Wittgenstein, Ludwig (id=3758) Wollstonecraft, Mary (id=1620) Wollstonecraft, Mary (id=5468) Wordsworth, William (id=6055) Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Painters of Glass (id=1524) Wren, Christopher - Catherine of Aragon (id=1219) WW1 Memorial at St Johns Waterloo (id=5463) WW1 Memorial Waterloo (id=5407) WW2 Air Raid Shelter (id=5410) WW2 Memorial Waterloo (id=5408) WW2 Memorial Waterloo (id=5409) Yurich, Jacqueline Paulette Drouilly (id=7997)