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338 Plaque(s) (and 475 names) in Postcode: WC2

Adam, Robert - Hood, Thomas - Galsworthy, John - Barrie, J M (id=3) Adelphi Terrace - Adam, John - Adam, Robert - Beauclerk, Topham - Beauclerk, Diana - Garrick, David - DOyly Carte, Richard - Hardy, Thomas - Shaw, George Bernard - Savage Club (id=2805) Admiral Cunningham (id=5763) Admiral Jellicoe (id=5762) Aldridges Horse Bazaar (id=6305) Alexander, William Henry - National Portrait Gallery (id=7983) Angers, Avril (id=8507) Appleton, Edward Victor (id=25) Arkwright, Richard (id=27) Arne, Thomas (id=29) Arne, Thomas (id=3513) Atkinson, Rowan (Mr Bean) (id=5386) Austen, Jane (id=41) Baird, John Logie (id=2808) Baird, John Logie (id=6306) Baker Street and Waterloo Railway (id=3772) Baker, John Law (id=6515) Baron, Elaine (id=8524) Barrett, Syd (id=6308) Batman (id=5403) Baylis, Lilian (id=3516) Bayliss, Peter (id=8538) Bazalgette, Joseph (id=72) BBC (id=74) BBC Bush House (id=2346) Beatty, David Earl (id=5761) Becket, Thomas (id=7239) Beckinsale, Richard (id=3520) Bedells, Phyllis (id=3506) Beecham, Thomas - Procter-Gregg, Humphrey (id=6918) Belgium Gratitude Memorial (id=7093) Benthall, Michael (id=3517) Besant, Walter (id=107) Bow Street - Fielding, Henry - Fielding, John - Gibbons, Grinling - Macklin, Charles - Radcliffe, John - Sackville, Charles (Earl of Dorset) - Wycherley, William (id=138) Bowlly, Al (id=142) Brierley, Roger (id=8520) Brown, Geoffrey (id=6518) Brunel, Isambard Kingdom (id=168) Bugs Bunny (id=5388) Burniston, Christabel (id=7087) Burns, Robert (id=176) Buxton, Alfred (id=7099) Cabmens Shelter Fund (id=2833) Cabmens Shelter Fund (id=4544) Cadbury-Brown, Jim (id=6310) Calvert, Cecilius (Second Lord Baltimore) (id=3609) Canadian Air Force (id=185) Cannon, Marie Elena (id=8530) Cassidy, David (id=5229) Cater, John (id=8514) Cave of Harmony (id=6309) Cavell, Edith (id=1890) Chaplin, Charlie (id=3510) Chaplin, Charlie (id=5384) Chippendale, Thomas (id=214) Christie, Agatha (id=218) Cleopatras Needle (id=7092) Colyer, Ken (id=1888) Conroy, Geraldine Campbell (id=6516) Cooper, Ava June (id=8531) Cooper, Gladys - Morley, Robert - Morley, Sheridan (id=8518) Correggio, Antonio (id=7132) Council Staff Memorial (id=3894) Covent Garden War Memorial (id=6923) Covid 19 Memorial Covent Garden (id=8504) Coward, Noel (id=3512) Coward, Noel (id=7690) Crawford, Leslie (id=8527) Crichton, Michael Hewan (id=4314) Cromwell, Oliver - Savoy Conference (id=2867) Cruickshank, Irene Winifred (id=8534) DOyly Carte, Richard (id=2871) Dane, Clemence (id=3531) Davies, Thomas - Johnson, Doctor Samuel - Boswell, James (id=291) Day, Wilfred (id=5227) Day, Wilfrid Ernest Lytton (id=293) de Montfort, Simon - John of Gaunt (Duke of Lancaster) (id=2864) de Quincy, Thomas (id=303) Denmark Place fire (id=8064) Dickens, Charles (id=319) Dickens, Charles (id=320) Donkeys of Covent Garden (id=332) Dowding, Hugh (id=1891) Dryden, John (id=6315) Duchess Theatre - Eliot, T S - Coward,Noel (id=345) Duffield, Vivien Clore (id=6921) Duffield, Vivien Clore  - Robey, Simon - Sainsbury, Lord John (id=6920) Duke of Connaught - Freemasons (id=4768) Duke of Connaught - Freemasons (id=4769) Earnshaw, Thomas (id=3606) Edward Somerset, 2nd Marquess of Worcester - Hyde, Anne - King James II (Duke of York) (id=2866) Ellen Keeley Co (James Keeley) (id=6311) Endell Street Military Hospital - Anderson, Louisa Garrett - Murray, Flora (id=2139) Epstein, Brian (id=2920) Epstein, Jacob (id=6510) Espinosa, Edouard (id=3526) Essex Hall (id=2873) Essex Street - Barbon, Nicholas - Bridgeman, Orlando - Fielding, Henry - Crosby, Brass - Savage, James - Charles Edward Stuart, Prince - Lindsey, Theophilus - Johnson, Doctor Samuel (id=61) Evans, Edith (id=3500) Faraday, Michael (id=2834) Fawcett, Henry (id=7108) Fennell, Jean - Meisner, Sanford (id=8511) Fields, Gracie (id=3528) Fletcher, Cyril - Astell, Betty (id=8506) Flicker Alley (id=1646) Flynn, Jay - Jays Virtual Pub Quiz (id=6371) Fogg, Gertrude (id=398) Fonteyn, Margot (id=1843) Football Association - Morley, Ebenezer Cobb (id=2879) Forster, William Edward (id=402) Fortune Theatre (id=4315) Fountain Tavern (id=407) Fountain Tavern - Walpole, Robert - Coal Hole - Wolf Club - Kean, Edmund (id=406) Franklin, Benjamin (id=411) Franklin, Gretchen (id=8543) Franklin, Rosalind - Gosling, R G - Wilson, H R - Wilkins M H F - Stokes, A R (id=413) Franklin, Rosalind - Gosling, R G - Wilson, H R - Wilkins M H F - Stokes, A R (id=414) Freemasons (id=4770) Gaiety Theatre - Edwardes, George (id=432) Gaisberg, Frederick - The Gramophone Company (id=6506) Garrett, Eric (id=8548) Garrick, David (id=439) Gatti, John (id=444) Gaumont (id=1907) GCHQ (id=3678) Geological Society of London (id=2878) Gielgud, John (id=6307) Gilbert and Sullivan Society (id=7095) Gilbert, W S (id=8529) Gillick, Mary - Queen Elizabeth II (id=8501) Gish, Sheila (id=8505) Godfrey, Ambrose (id=456) Goodey, Fritha (id=8517) Great Storm (id=7094) Guinness, Alec
 (id=3719) Gye, Frederick (id=6919) Harris, Arthur (Bomber) (id=1892) Harris, Augustus (id=8438) Harvey, Max (id=8512) Havelock, Henry (id=5511) Hawkins, Jack - Hawkins, Doreen (id=3497) Hawles, John (id=8095) Hazlitt, William (id=6316) Heine, Heinrich (id=511) Henry, Bernard (id=8519) Hess, Myra (id=7136) Holloway, Stanley (id=3529) Holtzapffel, John Jacob (id=6317) Hope-Wallace, Philip (id=3519) Howard, Robert (id=8510) Humphry, William Gilson (id=6514) Hunter, John (id=8129) Hutchings, Geoffrey (id=8540) Imperial Camel Corps War Memorial (id=7103) Imperial Society of Knights Bachelor (id=2869) Inns of Court Regiment War Memorial (id=8126) Irving, Henry (id=568) Irving, Henry (id=1889) Ivy Restaurant (id=2008) Jacques, Hattie (id=3518) Johnson, Denis (id=588) Johnson, Doctor Samuel (id=1893) Karloff, Boris (id=3524) Karsavina, Tamara (id=3509) Kelly, Gene (id=5389) Kerr, Michael - Lincolns Inn Boghouse (id=8128) King Charles III (Prince Charles) (id=6922) King Charles III (Prince Charles) - Parker Bowles, Camilla (Duchess of Cornwall) - King George V (id=6208) King James II (Duke of York) (id=5764) King John II of France - Black Prince - Chaucer, Geoffrey  (id=2865) King, David (id=8537) King, Martin Luther (id=8067) Kinsella, John (id=8544) Kipling, Rudyard (id=610) Lambert, Constant (id=3508) Laurel, Stan - Hardy, Oliver (id=5404) Lawson, Wilfrid (id=638) Leigh, Vivien (id=3514) Leighton, Margaret (id=3527) Leonardo da Vinci (id=7131) Lerner, Alan Jay (id=3499) Lilly, William (id=659) Lincolns Inn Wall (id=8127) Lloyd, Marie (id=3515) London Coliseum - Stoll, Oswald (id=666) Lord Cheylesmore (Herbert Eaton) (id=7104) Lukin, Lionel (id=6314) Lyons, David Lee (id=8509) Marconi House (id=702) Marsden, William (id=708) Mary Poppins (id=5390) Matcham, Frank - Hippodrome Casino (id=2821) Maxwell, James Clerk (id=718) Melville, Herman (id=733) Montagu Pyke - Marquee Club (id=2403) More, Kenneth (id=3502) More, Thomas (id=765) Mousetrap, The (Agatha Christie) (id=2025) Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (id=1647) Napier, Charles James (id=5512) National Sporting Club - Lowther, Hugh Cecil (5th Earl of Lonsdale) - Bettinson, Arthur Peggy (id=2824) Nehru, Jawaharlal (id=2825) Nell Gwynne Tavern - Gwynne, Nell (id=4316) Nesbitt, Cathleen (id=8533) New Zealand Company - Wakefield, Edward Gibbon (id=790) Newton, Isaac (id=2826) Norwegian Christmas Tree (id=6359) Novello, Ivor (id=807) Novello, Ivor (id=3525) OMahony, Fergal (id=8516) OToole, Peter (id=3498) Odger, George (id=3605) Old Serjeants Inn Site (id=1593) Old Slaughters Coffee House - RSPCA (id=810) Opera Tavern (id=813) Paddington Bear (id=5385) Payn, Graham - Coward, Noel (id=7691) Pepys, Samuel (id=856) Pepys, Samuel - Harley, Robert - Etty, William - Stanfield, Clarkson (id=854) Perceval, Spencer (id=857) Peter, 9th Count of Savoy, Earl of Richmond (id=2863) Philpott, A R (Pantopuck the Puppetman) (id=3530) Police Plaque-James Morrison (id=2823) Porcupine Pub (id=1914) Prince Augustus Frederick (Duke of Sussex) - Charing Cross Hospital (id=6511) Prince Augustus Frederick (Duke of Sussex) - Charing Cross Hospital (id=6512) Punch Puppet Show - Pepys, Samuel (id=2828) Python, Monty (id=895) Queen Beatrix - The Seven Dials Sundial (id=6277) Queen Elizabeth II (id=7105) Queen Elizabeth II - Duchess of Gloucester (id=8502) Queen Elizabeth II - Flavel, Peter (id=7106) Queens Theatre - Terry, Ellen - Wyndham, Charles (id=899) Raikes, Robert (id=903) Rambert, Marie (id=3507) Raphael (id=7135) Rattigan, Terence (id=3511) Read, Bob (id=8508) Redgrave, Michael (id=3501) Reid, Beryl (id=8513) Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (id=7130) Reynolds, Joshua (id=2829) Reynolds, Joshua (id=6712) Rix Brian - Gray, Elspet (id=3522) Roman Bath (id=934) Rooks, Angela (id=8535) Rowlandson, Thomas (id=948) Royal Air Force (id=951) Royal Canadian Air Force Overseas (id=7967) Royal Naval Division (id=3503) Royal Society of Arts - Adam, Robert - Adam, James (id=954) Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital - Charles Duke of Richmond (id=6509) Rubens, Peter Paul (id=7133) Rules Restaurant (id=6507) Rules Restaurant - Cross, Alfred (id=6508) Rundle, Dorothea (id=8536) Russell, Admiral Edward (id=958) Rutherford, Margaret (id=3523) Safra, Edmond (id=7725) Safra, Edmond - Safra, Lily (id=7724) Saunders, Nicholas (id=974) Savoy Palace - Peter, 9th Count of Savoy, Earl of Richmond (id=2862) Savoy Palace - Tyler, Wat - Savoy Hotel (id=2868) Savoy Place (id=978) Savoy Theatre (id=979) Shakespeare, William (id=5387) Shaw, Robert (id=3521) Ship Tavern, The (id=1008) Shuldham, Thomas (id=3608) Siebe, Augustus (id=1011) Silver Jubilee Walkway - Duke of Gloucester (id=8094) Silvera, Carmen (id=8547) Sinden, Lady Diana (id=8539) Smith, W H (id=1027) Smith, William (id=1029) Smith, William Frederick Danvers - Smith W H (id=6224) Soane Junior, John (id=8751) Society for Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes - King George V - Princess Louise (Duchess of Argyle) (id=6965) Somerset, Isabella (Henry) - Loyal Temperance Legion (id=2874) Spandau Ballet (id=2922) St Martin-in-the-Fields (id=6517) St Pauls Church Covent Garden - Jones, Inigo - King Charles II (id=8503) St Pauls Church Lightwell (id=8525) Staunton, Howard - Zukertort, Jan Herman - Blackburne, Joseph - Tarrasch, Siegbert - Tinsley, Samuel - Morphy, Paul - Gunsberg, Isidor - Winawer, Szymon - Tchigorin, Mikhail - Lasker, Emanuel (id=4214) Stead, W T (id=7100) Strauss, Johann (id=1070) Suffragettes, The - Pankhurst, Emmeline - Pankhurst, Christabel - Pethick-Lawrence, Emmeline (id=1075) Sullivan, Arthur (id=7109) Sykes, Eric (id=3504) Terriss, William (id=1096) Thaw, John (id=8528) The Kip (id=6312) The Long Acre - Baird, John Logie (id=7692) The Old Vic - Sadlers Wells - Noel Coward Theatre (id=7689) The Roxy (id=2923) The Seven Dials Sundial - Pierce, Edward - Neale, Thomas (id=6278) The Society of Women Writers and Journalists (id=8541) The Vandals Rugby Football Club (id=7966) Theatre Royal Drury Lane (id=1100) Thorax, Frankie (id=7107) Thorndike, Sybil (id=3505) Thurloe, John (id=1594) Tin Pan Alley (id=1113) Titian (id=7134) Trent, Bruce (id=8526) Turner, J M W (id=1131) Twells, Philip (id=6225) Twining, House of (id=1136) Twining, Thomas (id=4742) Veitch, Zepherina - Paget, Rosalind - British Lying-In Hospital (id=3189) Verbeek, Hans Peter (id=8546) Victoria Embankment - Stone, Nicholas (id=6370) Voltaire (id=1151) Wallace, Edgar (id=2870) Walsh, Catherine Genevieve (id=8545) Washington, George - Commonwealth of Vigrinia (id=6519) Way, Eileen (id=8522) Webb, Sidney (id=1174) Wesley, John - Wesley, Charles (id=2024) Wesley, John - Wesley, Charles (id=3607) Westlake, Nathaniel (id=6313) Wheeler, Mortimer (id=1186) Whitfield, Peter (id=8532) Wilde, Oscar - Hambling, Maggi (id=6513) Williams, Reg (id=8523) Williamson Dressler (id=1909) Williamson, James (id=1908) Wilson, Martin (id=8542) Wohl, Maurice (id=7137) Womens Freedom League (id=7746) Wonder Woman (id=5402) Wood, John Ireland (id=8521) Woolf, David (id=8515) Wyndhams Theatre - Moore, Mary - Wyndham, Charles - Sprague, W. G. R. (id=7973) Wyndham, Charles - Moore, Mary - Noel Coward Theatre (id=7687) Wyndham, Charles - Moore, Mary - Noel Coward Theatre - Albery, Ian (id=7688) Young, Andrew (id=1645) Zeppelin Raid  (id=3615)