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208 plaques (and 227 names) with a category of Architect

Abercrombie, Patrick (id=4745) Adelphi Terrace - Adam, John - Adam, Robert - Beauclerk, Topham - Beauclerk, Diana - Garrick, David - DOyly Carte, Richard - Hardy, Thomas - Shaw, George Bernard - Savage Club (id=2805) Adam, John - Edinburgh City Chambers (id=8624) Adam, Robert (id=4) Royal Society of Arts - Adam, Robert - Adam, James (id=954) Adam, Robert - Hood, Thomas - Galsworthy, John - Barrie, J M (id=3) St Brides Church rededication - Queen Elizabeth II - Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) - Henry Campbell Lord Bishop of London - Allen, Walter Godfrey - Wren, Christopher (id=7355) St Peters Church - Allom, Thomas - Barry Jnr, Charles (id=5682) Anderson, Robert Rowand - Macgillivray, James Pittendrigh (id=8678) Baines, Frank (id=6082) Baker, Henry (id=6424) Harrow School War Memorial Building - Baker, Herbert - Faber, Oscar (id=8608) Barry, Charles (id=1378) Barry, Charles (id=2546) Royal Opera Theatre Malta - Barry, Edward Middleton (id=8282) Basevi, George (id=69) Bell, Charles (id=5961) Bentley, John Francis (id=1383) The Hardy Tree - Hardy, Thomas - Blomfield, Arthur - Dickens, Charles (id=6415) Holy Trinity Church - Bodley, George Frederick (id=3898) Bodley, George Frederick (id=124) Bolle, Hermann (id=7773) Bolle, Hermann (id=7766) Bouvard, Joseph-Antoine - Grand Palais - Girault, Charles (id=8355) Brooks, James (id=1818) Brown, Lancelot (Capability) (id=4258) Brown, Lancelot (Capability) - Luton Hoo (id=6123) Brown, Lancelot (Capability) (id=1786) Brownsword, Beryl (id=3959) Nelson, Horatio - Burn, Robert (id=8651) Walpole Picture Theatre - Burr, Alfred (id=8069) Burton, Decimus (Tivoli Lodge) (id=1548) Busby, C A (id=2553) Butterfield, William (id=180) Cadbury-Brown, Jim (id=6310) Campbell, Colen (id=183) Guildhall reconstruction - Bowater, Ian Frank - Campbell-Jones, Owen (id=7328) Royal Crescent Holland Park - Cantwell, Robert (id=4434) Casson, Hugh - Casson, Margaret (id=4377) Charles, Ethel (id=6462) Coates, Wells (id=1834) Cockerell, C R (id=239) Collins, William Jefferies (id=1922) Rules Restaurant - Cross, Alfred (id=6508) Cubitt, James (id=6098) Cubitt, Lewis (id=274) Cubitt, Thomas (id=2563) Cubitt, Thomas (id=275) Cubitt, Thomas (id=7716) Cubitt, Thomas (id=3687) Cubitt, Thomas (id=276) Poplar Town Hall - Culkin, Clifford (id=3209) Grosvenor, Robert - Grosvenor, Thomas - Duke of Westminster (Gerald Grosvenor) - Cundy, Thomas - Basevi, George - Cubitt, Thomas (id=6688) Dance the Younger, George (id=283) Darbourne, John - Darke, Geoffrey (id=3534) Davioud, Gabriel (id=8373) Denzler, Juraj (id=7761) Di Costanzo, Giuseppe - Bufardeci, Giambattista - Santa Lucia Bridge (id=8331) Dorph-Petersen, Viggo (id=2473) Peckham Rye Station - Driver, Charles Henry (id=8091) Farey, Cyril (id=5894) St Andrew by the Wardrobe - Fletcher, Banister (id=8182) Fletcher, Banister (Junior) - Fletcher, Herbert Phillips (id=6372) Fletcher, Banister (Senior) (id=6373) The National Police Memorial - Queen Elizabeth II - Foster, Norman - Winner, Michael (id=7992) Freake, Charles James (id=416) Kensal House - Fry, Maxwell (id=3757) Mercieca, Joseph - Gafa, Lorenzo (id=8256) Gandy, Joseph Michael (id=438) George, Ernest (id=3846) George, Ernest (id=5829) George, Ernest (id=2360) St Marylebone Parish Church - Bacon, Viscount Francis - Hogarth, William - Gibbs, James - Sheridan, Richard Brinsley - Wesley, Charles - Byron, Lord - Nelson, Horatio (id=3061) St Marylebone Parish Church - Forset, Edward - Douce, Edmund - de Crespigny, Claudius - Wanley, Humphrey - Figg, James - Gibbs, James - Hoyle, Edward - Rysbrack, John Michael - Ferguson, James - Ramsay, Allan - Wesley, Charles - Storace, Stephen - Stubbs, George - Bentinck, William (3rd Duke of Portland) - Watson, Caroline (id=5085) Godwin, George (id=458) The Mission Hall - Gough, H R - Campbell, John (id=6218) Green, Leslie - Yerkes, Charles Tyson (id=6481) Green, WIlliam Curtis (id=7000) Conservatorium of Music (Sydney) - Greenway, Francis (id=3452) Greeves, Tom (id=2937) Gribble, Herbert (id=5320) Gropius, Walter - Breuer, Marcel - Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo (id=3193) Gwilt the Younger, George (id=5460) Hadid, Zara (id=6468) Hansom, Joseph Aloysius (id=497) King William IV Naval Asylum - Hardwick, Philip - Queen Adelaide (id=6754) Electricity Generating Sub-station for Tramway - Harris, Vincent (id=1272) Harvey, Frederick Milton (id=3795) Holden, Charles (id=6479) Holland, Henry (id=5128) Hunt, Henry Arhtur - Trollope, George (id=8107) Eagle House - Bell Robert - Jackson, Thomas (id=3101) Jellicoe, Geoffrey (id=581) Leyton Town Hall - Johnson, John (id=2964) Jones, Charles (id=3632) Jones, Charles (id=6356) The Queens Chapel St James Palace - Jones, Inigo (id=7227) St Pauls Church Covent Garden - Jones, Inigo - King Charles II (id=8503) Scott, Walter - Kemp, George Meikle - Steell, John (id=8648) Kent, William (id=4570) Kingston, George Strickland (id=3332) Knott, Ralph - County Hall (id=8081) Knowles, James (id=2583) Lasdun, Denys - National Theatre (id=3977) Lethaby, William Richard (id=650) Lethaby, William Richard (id=651) Delmonicos Building - Lord, James Brown (id=7621) Bell House - Wright, Thomas - Harding, Anthony - Widdowson, George - Lucas, Nan - Lutyens, Edwin (id=6535) Lutyens, Edwin - King George V - King George VI  (id=3660) Lutyens, Robert (id=8725) Mackie, R F (id=3862) Mackintosh, Rennie - Macdonald, Margaret (id=4604) Mackmurdo, Arthur H (id=5879) Mansford, Herbert - Conway Hall (id=8099) Marnock, Robert (id=4207) Matcham, Frank - Shepherds Bush Empire (id=2388) Matcham, Frank - Hippodrome Casino (id=2821) Matcham, Frank (id=2406) Victoria Palace Theatre - Matcham, Frank (id=2842) Matcham, Frank - Victoria Palace Theatre (id=3190) Matcham, Frank - Richmond Theatre (id=712) Matcham, Frank - Hackney Empire (id=2445) Irving, Henry - Brixton Theatre Foundation Stone - Matcham, Frank (id=4338) Mocatta, David (id=756) Myers, George (id=1410) Woodberry Wetlands - Mylne, William - Smith, Robert Percy (id=6597) Marble Arch - Nash, John (id=6478) Nash, John (id=782) Nash, John (id=6724) Nash, John - All Souls Church (id=5062) Nash, John (id=781) Nutt, Alfred Young (id=3649) Paxton, Joseph - Buckland, Henry (id=1446) Paxton, Joseph - Great Exhibition (id=2912) Paxton, Joseph (id=1901) Pearson, John Loughborough - Lutyens, Edwin (id=848) Peczenik, Charles Edmund (id=849) Penfold Pillar Box - Penfold, John (id=6328) Penty, Arthur Joseph (id=853) Pevsner, Nikolaus (id=863) Playfair, William Henry (id=8653) Royal  Watermens Almshouses - Porter, George - Company of Watermen & Lightermen (id=6743) Pugin, Augustus Charles - Pugin, Augustus Welby (id=893) Pugin, Edward Welby - Pugin, Augustus Welby (id=4456) Rattenbury, Francis (id=4148) Repton, Humphrey (id=6024) Repton, Humphrey (id=3067) Ricardo, Halsey (id=5344) Salvin, Anthony (id=966) Essex Street - Barbon, Nicholas - Bridgeman, Orlando - Fielding, Henry - Crosby, Brass - Savage, James - Charles Edward Stuart, Prince - Lindsey, Theophilus - Johnson, Doctor Samuel (id=61) Scott, George Gilbert - Pearson, John Loughborough - Farrar, Frederic - St Margarets Church (id=8106) Scott, Giles Gilbert (id=987) Vaughan Library - Scott, Giles Gilbert (id=3089) Scott, Giles Gilbert (id=988) Grims Dyke - Shaw, R. Norman - Goodall, Frederick - Gilbert, W S (id=1528) Shaw, R. Norman (id=999) Shaw, R. Norman - Goodall, Frederick - Gilbert, W S (id=1529) Shepheard, Victor (id=1661) Chelsea and Westminster Hospital - Sheppard, Richard (id=6983) Unilever House - De Keysers Hotel - Simpson, James Lomax (id=7974) Smirke, Robert - Luton Hoo (id=6117) Smirke, Robert (id=1022) Smirke, Robert (id=5473) Central Offices Royal Arsenal - Smith, James Osborne (id=7978) Pitzhanger Manor - Soane, John - Haverfield, John (id=6355) Soane, John (id=6413) Soane, John (id=8068) Spence, Basil (id=1849) Empire Theatre Penge - Sprague W. G. R. - Lloyd, Marie (id=6750) Globe Theatre aka Hicks and Gielgud  - Sprague W. G. R. (id=5686) Wyndhams Theatre - Moore, Mary - Wyndham, Charles - Sprague, W. G. R. (id=7973) Street, George Edmund (id=1071) Tait, Thomas Smith (id=1088) Pithers - The Pither Family (id=5207) Thompson, Francis (North Midland House) (id=1753) Trobridge, Ernest George (id=2664) Unwin, Raymond (id=1144) Royal Brass Foundry - Vanbrugh, John (id=1991) Her Majestys Theatre - Vanbrugh, John - Phipps, C J (id=3780) Vanbrugh, John (id=2108) Ventris, Michael (id=1147) Voysey, C F A (id=1153) Friday Hill House - Vulliamy, Lewis - Boothby-Heathcote, Robert (id=3077) Wallis, Thomas (id=8724) Sacrists Gate - Walsingham, Alan de (id=2496) Waterhouse, Alfred (id=1168) Worship Street Workshops - Webb, Philip - Morris, William (id=1268) Red House - Webb, Philip - Morris, William (id=1607) Wilbraham, Elizabeth (id=6460) Williams, Owen (id=5878) Wilson, Colin St John (id=7054) Wren, Christopher (id=5149) Wren, Christopher (id=1788) Saint Dunstan in the East Church - Wren, Christopher (id=4755) St Lawrence Jewry - Wren, Christopher (id=7276) St Margaret Pattens Church - Wren, Christopher (id=5822) Wren, Christopher (id=6843) Wren, Christopher - Catherine of Aragon (id=1219) Wren, Christopher (id=3791) Wren, Christopher (id=1698) St Lawrence Jewry - Wren, Christopher (id=7277) St Mary Le Bow Church - Wren, Christopher - Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (id=6211) St Lawrence Jewry - Wren, Christopher (id=1404) St Jamess Church Piccadilly - Wren, Christopher (id=5595) Wren, Christopher - Hatton, Christopher (id=3619) Wyatt, Thomas Henry (id=1220) Wyatville, Jeffry (id=1221) Wykeham (id=6136)