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368 plaques (and 390 names) with a category of Armed Forces

Pepys Estate -  Earl Mountbatten of Burma (id=4871) Admiral Cunningham (id=5763) Admiral Jellicoe (id=5762) Aitchison, John (id=5989) Alanbrooke, Viscount (id=8) Alcock, John - Brown, Arthur (id=7246) Alexander of Tunis - Irish Guards (id=11) Alexander, Sam (id=2394) Allenby, Viscount (id=14) Anders, Wladyslaw (id=8450) Anderson, Alexander (id=6009) Angle, H H (id=3999) Anson, George (id=5543) Araújo, Carvalho - NRP Augusto de Castilho (id=8011) Arnold, Benedict (id=30) Arnold, Benedict (id=7675) Arnold, Benedict (id=7682) Astor, Gavin (2nd Baron Astor of Hever) (id=7365) Avolio, Carlo (id=8326) Bader, Douglas (id=2459) Bagot, Millicent (id=6589) Baker, Hubert Baron - Williams, Leopold Totobag (id=7002) Baker, John Law (id=6515) Barnett, Robert Russell (id=7641) Barney, George (id=3448) Bates, Sidney (id=7449) Baynes, Henry Compton Anderson - Baynes, Denman (id=5767) Bazalgette, Ian WiIlloughby (id=7214) Beamish, Victor (id=3155) Beatty, David Earl (id=5761) Duke of Gloucester - Beetham, Michael - Bomber Command (id=4992) Belcher, Douglas (id=4740) Bell, Robert (id=6247) Benbow, John (id=5548) Bentinck-Scott, William
John Cavendish (5th Duke of Portland) (id=6035) Best, Thomas (id=5995) Bevington, Samuel Bourne (id=5527) Bevington, Samuel Bourne (id=5520) Deptford Town Hall - Blake, Robert (id=6609) Blake, Robert (id=5547) Blaney, Captain Max (id=6018) Bligh, William (id=3447) Bligh, William (id=1781) Cook, Captain James - Bligh, William - Vancouver, George - Bennett, Richard William (id=4055) Bligh, William (id=2322) Bligh, William (id=1397) Boisragon, Guy Hudleston (id=5993) Booth, Frederick (id=5272) Bor-Komorowski, Dywizji Tadeusz (id=5730) Willoughby, Hugh - Borough, Steven - Borough, William - Frobisher, Martin (id=1778) Gayoso de Lemos, Manuel - Bouligny, Francisco (id=7504) Bourke, Richard (id=3464) Bourne, Frank (id=1678) Bowker, William (id=6678) Bowles, Henry Ferryman - Tottenham County School (id=8562) Braham, JRD (Bob) (id=2619) Brooks, Oliver (id=3648) Bull, Philip C (id=7651) Burgoyne, John (id=171) Burgoyne, John Fox (id=172) Busby, Vernon - Cricklewood Aerodrome (id=6241) Calipari, Nicola (id=8335) Campbell, Archibald (id=7026) Campbell, Colin (id=1403) Campbell, General Colin (id=7027) Casement, William (id=6032) Cates, George (id=6861) Cavenagh, Orfeur (id=3269) Villeboiss horse - Cavendish, Charles (3rd Baron Chesham)
 (id=2419) Cavendish, WIlliam (Marquess of Hartington) (id=6443) Christie, John (id=3041) Christie, John (id=3111) Clarke, Andrew (id=3275) Cleave, Alfred Frederick (id=6260) Clive of India (id=231) Battle of Mareth - Clive, A F L (id=6445) Cochrane, Thomas (Earl of Dundonald) - Beatty, David Earl (id=238) Coffin, Clifford (id=4952) Collingwood, Cuthbert (id=5552) Columbine, Herbert (id=6745) Colyer-Fergusson, Thomas Riversdale (id=3490) Cook, Henry (id=6007) Cooper, Captain J O (id=2462) Cormeau, Yvonne (id=7727) Cornwell, John Travers (id=6015) Cornwell, John Travers (id=6452) Cornwell, John Travers (id=2967) Coutinho, Gago - Cabral, Sacadura (id=6897) Coward, Charles (id=1931) Cox, C R (id=3283) Crozier, Richard (id=3337) Cumming, Mansfield (id=277) Queen Elizabeth II - Prince Henry (Duke of Gloucester) - Curteis, Gerald (id=7971) St Marylebone Parish Church - Forset, Edward - Douce, Edmund - de Crespigny, Claudius - Wanley, Humphrey - Figg, James - Gibbs, James - Hoyle, Edward - Rysbrack, John Michael - Ferguson, James - Ramsay, Allan - Wesley, Charles - Storace, Stephen - Stubbs, George - Bentinck, William (3rd Duke of Portland) - Watson, Caroline (id=5085) de la Bodega Y Quatra, Juan Francisco (id=4117) De Marmont, Auguste (id=7939) de Miranda, Francisco (id=300) de Miranda, Francisco (id=301) de Miranda, Francisco (id=299) De San Martin, José (id=7608) de San Martin, Jose (id=305) de San Martin, Jose - Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) - Menem, Eduardo - Hooper, Angela - Hurd, Douglas - Campora, Mario (id=6690) de San Martin, Jose (id=1916) de San Martin, Jose (id=6689) Debrais, Jean Roger (id=8411) Deloge, Celestin (id=8370) Dewey, George (id=7620) Dimmer, John (id=5395) Dorrell, George (id=4393) Windsor-Clive, Robert George - Douglas-Campbell, Philip Archibald - Arkwright, R A (id=6440) Doulton, Michael Duke (id=2748) Montrose - Gordon, Frederick - Cohen, Brunel - Dowding, Hugh - Leigh-Mallory, Trafford (id=7164) Dowding, Hugh (id=1891) Dowding, Hugh (id=1557) Drain, Job (id=6474) Drain, Job (id=6475) Drain, Job (id=6473) Drake, Alfred (id=7047) Deptford Town Hall - Drake, Francis (id=6610) Drake, Francis (id=5544) Drake, Francis - Wall of the Ancestors (id=4892) Drake, Francis (id=1420) Dula (id=7642) Polish Sailors - Dunbar-Nasmith, Martin (id=2597) Duncan, Adam (id=5551) Dwyer, Edward (id=6524) Evans and Rai Gurkhas (id=4223) Evans, George (id=6525) Evison, Mark (id=4685) Ferdinand Schiess of Rorkes Drift (id=2044) Fisher, John (id=389) Tower Hill Scaffold - Sudbury, Simon - Hales, Robert - Burley, Simon - Fitzalan, Richard - Wyche, Richard - de Vere, John - Tiptoft, John (id=6835) Fletcher, Henry A (id=7267) Fletcher, Banister (Junior) - Fletcher, Herbert Phillips (id=6372) Foch, Ferdinand (id=6909) Forde, L W - Holland, Charles Stewart (id=7216) Franco, General (id=1371) Franks, David Salisbury - Arnold, Benedict (id=7633) Fremantle, Thomas Francis (id=8238) Furse, Katherine (id=3248) Gage, Thomas (id=431) Garcia, Juan Pujol (id=5715) Garforth, Charles (id=6276) Grahame White, Claude - Garwood, Richard (id=6761) General Andranik (id=8389) Genn, Billett (id=2498) Gibson, Guy (id=449) Godley, Samuel - Battle of Waterloo (id=5513) Godley, Sidney (id=4554) Godley, Sidney (id=6065) Gordon, Charles George (id=3299) Gort, Field Marshal Viscount (id=462) Gough, Hubert - Fifth Army 1918 (id=6279) Gough, Hubert (id=4228) Granville (Krystyna Skarbek), Christine (id=5637) Granville (Krystyna Skarbek), Christine (id=5635) Greenwood, Harry (id=3650) Gubbins, Launcelotte - Gubbins, Launcelot Gough (id=7222) Halford, George Edward (id=7073) Queen Anne - Hamilton, George (Duke of Orkney) (id=7416) Walpole Park - Hamilton, Lord George - Walpole, Spencer - Nelson, Edward Montague (id=8072) Hardy, Admiral Thomas (under the board?) (id=2247) Harman, John Pennington (id=1676) Harmsworth, Harold Cecil Aubrey (id=7382) Harmsworth, Robert Leicester - Harmsworth, Harold Cecil Aubrey (id=5769) Harris, Arthur (Bomber) (id=1892) Harris, J V (id=7182) Harrison, Thomas - Pepys, Samuel (id=5664) Harvey, Francis (id=4953) Hatfield, Roy Berriman (id=6995) Havelock, Henry (id=5511) Haynau, General (id=2294) Herbert, Michael (id=3347) Hewitt, Marcus (id=6799) Hill, Roderick - Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother (id=3897) Hills, John (id=6005) Hindmarsh, John (id=3345) Hindmarsh, John (id=3348) Hitch, Private Frederick (id=1249) Hodgson, John Studholme (id=7031) Holmes, Frederick (id=5519) Horsfall, Basil (id=3222) Horsford, Alfred Hastings (id=5990) Hotham, Henry (id=8304) Howard, Charles (id=5546) Howe, Richard (id=5553) Ivusic, Robert (id=7964) Jackson, Alf (id=4290) James Rorke of Rorkes Drift (id=2046) James Rorke of Rorkes Drift (id=2045) Jarratt, George (id=4909) Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur de Rochambeau (id=8400) Rosebery, 6th Earl of (Harry Primrose) - Roberts, Peter - Jeffreys, George (id=6438) Jelacic, Josip (id=7757) Jellicoe, Admiral (id=578) Jerrard, Alan (id=4950) Jervis (1st Earl of St Vincent), John (id=5555) Johnson, Dudley (id=8493) Johnston, Guy (id=7023) Johnstone, A T (id=5969) Jones, Richard (id=4954) Kerridge, Roy (id=2852) Khan, Noor Inayat (id=6365) Khan, Noor Inayat (id=5571) Kitchener of Khartoum, Earl (id=8001) Kitchener of Khartoum, Earl (id=612) Kliskic, Goran (id=7843) Lane, Brian (id=8604) Latutin, Simmon (id=7441) Lawrence, T E (id=637) Lawrence, T E (id=3082) Order of St John Malta - Le Marchant, John Caspard (id=8228) Le Marchant, John Caspard (id=8271) Leggatt, Edward Owen (id=7261) Legge, Kenneth (id=3749) Lewin, Terence Thornton (Lord Lewin of Greenwich) - National Maritime Museum (id=6683) Lewis, Sidney (id=4492) Lord Cheylesmore (Herbert Eaton) (id=7104) War Seal Foundation - Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation - Stoll, Oswald - Lord Harding of Petherton - Gibbs, Roland - Chapple, John - Lord Walker of Aldringham - Duchess of Gloucester (id=6138) Lord Roberts Memorial Workshops - Lord Roberts (id=6141) Lovely, William (id=2386) Lynn, John (id=4955) MacFarlane, Fred (id=4102) McCarthy, Maud (id=728) McCaskill, John (id=7264) McKenzie, Albert Edward (id=2364) McLean, W R J - Princess Louise Kensington Battalion (id=7258) Meiklejohn, Matthew (id=1618) Meiklejohn, Matthew Fontaine Maury (id=3744) Mir Dast (id=2591) Molly Marine (id=7640) Monro, Charles Carmichael (id=6164) Montagu (4th Earl of Sandwich), John (id=5549) Operation Mincemeat - Montagu, Ewen - Cholmondeley, Charles (id=7049) Montgomery of Alamein (Monty) (id=760) Montgomery of Alamein (Monty) (id=1399) Moore, J J (id=4124) Morris, James Nicholl (id=3211) Morshead, Henry Anderson (id=8241) Mountbatten of Burma, Earl (id=3784) Mountbatten of Burma, Earl (id=8000) Mountbatten of Burma, Earl - Mountbatten, Edwina  (id=772) Hyde Park Barracks - Mountbatten of Burma, Earl (id=2344) Mountbatten of Burma, Earl (id=7990) Mugford, Harold (id=4931) Napier, Charles James (id=5512) The Gun - Nelson, Horatio (id=6825) Nelson, Horatio (id=5554) Merton Place - Nelson, Horatio - Lady Emma Hamilton (id=3103) St Marylebone Parish Church - Bacon, Viscount Francis - Hogarth, William - Gibbs, James - Sheridan, Richard Brinsley - Wesley, Charles - Byron, Lord - Nelson, Horatio (id=3061) Nelson, Horatio - Chantrey, Francis - King William IV (id=2105) Nelson, Horatio (id=788) Deptford Town Hall - Nelson, Horatio (id=6611) Nelson, Horatio (id=5557) Nelson, Horatio (id=4493) Nelson, Horatio (id=1267) Nelson, Horatio (id=787) Nesbitt, Colebrooke (id=7022) Nias, Joseph - Nias, Joseph Baldwin (id=5768) OHalloran, William Littlejohn (id=7263) CGS Estevan - Ormiston, Harry A (id=4116) Park, Keith (id=834) Parr, John (id=4289) Parslow, Frederick (id=5271) Peake, Tim (id=3737) Pennefat, John Lysacht (id=6010) Percival, Arthur (id=3255) Pershing, John (id=3672) Pershing, John (id=3674) Phillip, Arthur (id=2921) Founding of Australia - Phillip, Arthur - King, P Gidley - Johnston, George - HMS Supply (id=8124) Phillip, Arthur (id=3445) Pigden, Sydney (id=6710) Ponsonby, William (id=7265) Pope, Charles (id=5793) HMS Sparrowhawk - Porcher, Edwin Augustus (id=4058) Prevost, James Charles (id=4088) Private Thorne of Rorkes Drift (id=2047) Pryce, Thomas (id=3545) Rainsborough, Thomas (id=1782) Ramon, Ilan (id=2522) Read, Harry - Salvation Army Vancouver (id=4157) Reynell, Richard (id=5370) Norman Morison - Helmcken, John Sebastian - Richardson, George (id=4081) Roberts, Earl (id=928) Roberts, Earl (id=8003) Roberts, Frank (id=5275) Rodney, George (id=5550) Rogers, Maurice (id=4551) Rogers, Maurice (id=4552) Ross, Frank Mackenzie (id=4141) Rothschild, Amschel - Rothschild, Victor (id=1412) Russell, Admiral Edward (id=958) Sahors, René (id=8414) Salmond, John Maitland (id=965) Sayer, John (id=5274) Schlippenbach, Baron - HMS Alexandra (id=8299) Seaborn, Peter Anthony (id=8595) Shuldham, Thomas (id=3608) Sikorski, General Wladyslaw (id=4205) Sikorski, General Wladyslaw (id=2841) Sikorski, General Wladyslaw (id=3620) Simmons, John Lintorn (id=8278) Skanderbeg, George Kastrioti (id=1018) Slim, Viscount William (id=1020) Smeeton, Miles Richard (id=4110) Smith, Captain John (id=5890) Smith, Issy (id=5791) Somerset, Fitzroy (id=1034) Sosabowski, Stanisław (id=3958) Spackman, Charles (id=6527) Sparks, William (id=6093) Spielmann, Harold Lionel Isidore (id=6638) Stanger-Leathes, Henry (id=4390) Tower Hill Scaffold - Stanley, William - Tuchet, James - Plantagenet, Edward - Stafford, Edward - Fisher, John - More, Thomas - Darcy, Thomas (id=6834) Stannard, Richard (id=6105) Stephens, Col G J (Ye Old Musketeers) (id=6837) Stone, Walter (id=4951) Prince William (Duke of Cumberland) - Strode, William (id=5162) Szabo, Violette (id=2316) Tradescant, John - Szabo, Violette (id=4343) Szabo, Violette (id=4340) Szabo, Violette (id=1391) Maquis (French Resistance) - Szabo, Violette (id=2327) The Fighting Schans (id=4051) Thompson, Thomas Boulden (id=5374) Thornton, Percy Melville - Thornton, Samuel (id=7685) Trafford, Humphrey de - Bowes-Lyon, James - Parker-Bowles, Derek (id=6444) Train, Charles (id=5273) Twyford, Private Albert Reginald (id=1550) Unknown Warrior (id=3789) Vallentin, John (id=5500) Vieira, João Fernandes (id=6876) Villeboiss horse - Villebois-Mareuil, General George de (id=2418) Vyvyan, Vyell (id=7012) St Margarets Church tower - King George II - Onslow, Arthur - Walpole, Robert - Wager, Charles - Sundon, William (id=8102) Westminster Hall - Wallace, William (id=6577) Wallerston, Francis Edward (id=7256) Waters, Marcus Antonius (id=6036) Waterston, Robin (id=4782) Waugh, Andrew Scott (id=6144) Wearne, Frank (id=6526) Hyde Park Corner - Wellesley, Arthur (1st Duke of Wellington) (id=7347) Battle of Waterloo - Wellesley, Arthur (1st Duke of Wellington) (id=5510) Wellesley, Arthur (1st Duke of Wellington) (id=7138) Wellesley, Arthur (1st Duke of Wellington) (id=5175) Cadiz Memorial - Wellesley, Arthur (1st Duke of Wellington) - King George IV (id=8002) Wellesley, Arthur (1st Duke of Wellington) - King George IV (id=6436) Wellesley, Arthur Charles (4th Duke of Wellington) (id=1178) Westphal, George (id=2613) White, George (id=5060) Siting of Sydney - White, John - Phillip, Arthur -  Johnston, George - Hunter, John - Collins, David (id=8125) Willes, George - Holy Trinity Sloane Street (id=7423) Wilson, Henry (id=7731) Wilson, Herbert Haydon - Wilson, Wilfrid Campbell - Wilson, Gordon Chesney (id=5986) The Chindits - Wingate, Orde Charles (id=3763) Wingate, Orde Charles (id=3064) Wolfe, James (id=5372) Wolfe, James (id=1479) Wolseley, Garnet (id=8004) Wolseley, Garnet (id=1477) Wood, Charles Campbell (id=2393) Woolley, Geoffrey - Walsh, Tommy (id=6326) Woolley, Geoffrey (id=4550) Worgan, Rivers Berney (id=5832) Yeates, William Willson - Crayshaw, Rose Mary (id=4732) Yeo-Thomas, F F E (id=1227) Young, James Dawbarn (id=3857)