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650 plaques (and 665 names) with a category of Historical London

135 Rotherhithe Street (id=2446) 15 Cheyne Walk - Mazzini, Giuseppe - Carlyle, Thomas (id=5346) 15 Cheyne Walk - Erasmus - More, Thomas (id=5345) 1st Drinking Fountain - Gurney, Sam (id=7324) 2i Coffee Bar (id=2804) Ace Cafe (id=6113) Acton Fire Station - Birkett, Richard William (id=6796) Adelphi Terrace - Adam, John - Adam, Robert - Beauclerk, Topham - Beauclerk, Diana - Garrick, David - DOyly Carte, Richard - Hardy, Thomas - Shaw, George Bernard - Savage Club (id=2805) Jewish Daily Post - Alberts Clothing (id=5788) Aldersgate Site (id=1742) Aldgate Pump (id=5885) Aldgate Site (id=1966) Aldridges Horse Bazaar (id=6305) Pope, Alexander - Alexander Popes Grotto (id=6814) Alliance Assurance Company (id=3883) Amwell Society (id=3684) Angel Alley (id=3766) Angel Place (Marshalsea Prison) (id=5452) Anne Boleyns Well - Boleyn, Anne (id=3128) Approach To Old London Bridge Site (id=1878) Archer Street Chambers - Finsberg, Geoffrey (id=5077) Archway Toll Gate (id=2713) Arments (id=3947) Ashleigh and India Houses (id=2203) Bagnigge House (id=6789) Barracks Court Royal Arsenal (id=7975) Battle of Cable Street (id=5792) Battle of Cable Street (id=1634) Battle of Lewisham (id=3231) Becontree Estate (id=2944) Bedford Estate (id=5014) Beehive Kiln - Kensington Hippodrome (id=2382) Beloved Friend Trough (id=5362) Benetfink - Gamages - War Memorial (id=7311) Bentley Motor Car (id=2809) Bethnal Green Town Hall - Barnard, Alfred Fisk (id=6927) Bexleyheath Coronation Memorial Clock Tower (id=2484) Blacksmiths Hall Site (id=1859) Blow-up bridge (id=5048) Bond Street - Princess Margaret (id=5221) St Margarets Church - Borough Compter (id=2311) Borough Market (id=2282) Bow Fairfield (id=4519) Bow Heritage Trail (id=3208) Bow Street - Fielding, Henry - Fielding, John - Gibbons, Grinling - Macklin, Charles - Radcliffe, John - Sackville, Charles (Earl of Dorset) - Wycherley, William (id=138) Bradmore House (id=5712) Brilliant Sign Company, Paragon Works (id=2183) British Electricity Authority (id=6820) Bromley St Leonard Parish Marker (id=6821) Brook Farm Open Space Pavilion Fire (id=4291) Brunel, Isambard Kingdom - Brown Lenox (id=4611) Bryant & May - Match Tax Abandonment (id=3210) Burdett-Coutts, Angela - Burdett-Coutts Drinking Fountain (id=4597) Burdett-Coutts Memorial Sundial - Burdett-Coutts, Angela  (id=6411) Burlington Arcade - Princess Alexandra (id=5598) C Hoare & Co (id=8481) Caesars Camp - Evelyn, John (id=6865) Caesars Camp (id=6866) Canons Gate Pillars - Brydges, James (Earl of Chandos) (id=3148) Castalia Square - Brookes, Bruno (id=6826) Cattle Pound of Hendon (id=2470) Cedars Club (id=4358) Central Offices Royal Arsenal - Smith, James Osborne (id=7978) Chalybeate Well (id=3867) Charles Square (id=5366) Charlton housing estate (id=1693) Chelsea China - Smollett, Tobias (id=210) Chelsea Electricity Supply Corp. (id=5323) Chelsea Embankment (id=5339) Chelsea Embankment - Bazalgette, Joseph (id=5338) Chelsea Old Town Hall (id=5354) Chemical Laboratory Royal Arsenal (id=7979) Chiltern Garage (Marylebones 1st car park) (id=5097) Chinese Lions - Duke of Gloucester - King Charles III (Prince Charles) - Parker Bowles, Camilla (Duchess of Cornwall) (id=5214) Chisenhale Works (id=4579) Chislehurst Caves (id=1665) Wallace, Herman - Angola Three - Chiswick Mosaic House (id=6384) Chiswick Mosaic House (id=6382) The Treatment Rooms - Chiswick Mosaic House (id=6381) Chiswick Mosaic House (id=6383) Chiswick Square (id=1253) Cholera Epidemic (id=2239) Cholera not in Hampstead (id=3831) Cholera Pump - Snow, John (id=5081) Church Common (id=2998) King Edward VIII - King George V - Citadines Hotel (id=4281) City of London Artillery (id=8134) City of London Police District (id=8120) City Road Turnpike (id=2772) Clapham Pottery (Ingleton House Boys Home) (id=4450) Clarendon Arch (id=5734) Clarion House (id=5080) Clerks Well (id=2788) Clink Prison (id=2287) Clink Prison (id=2240) Commodity Quay (id=6936) Copenhagen Fields - Tolpuddle Martyrs (id=2847) Copenhagen House - Caledonian Market  (id=3686) Coppice Row Turnpike (id=257) Cornhill Water Pump (id=4621) Coronation Clock Tower (id=2150) Coronation Decorations (id=4233) Cosmo Restaurant (id=4216) Coulsdon Comrades Club (id=1666) Craft School (id=4553) Credit Crunch Monster (id=3203) Cripplegate Site (id=1740) Cromwell Association - Reburied Regicides (id=8108) Cromwell Buildings - Waterlow, Sydney - Great Exhibition (id=5514) Cross Bones Graveyard (id=1291) Crouch End Clock Tower - Williams, Henry Reader (id=4231) Croydon Cattle Market (id=1533) Curriers Hall (id=3554) Cutty Sark: James Wallace suicide (id=1688) Decayed Tradesmen (id=2994) Denman Fountain (id=4549) Deptford Creek (River Ravensbourne) (id=2113) Deptford Fire Station (id=8085) Diamond Jubilee Walk - Queen Elizabeth II (id=6695) Dispuut House of Lords (id=8109) Dockmanagers Office (id=2357) Dogs of Alcibiades (id=2444) Dovehouse Green - Queen Elizabeth II (id=2928) Dragon boundary mark City of London West - Queen Victoria (id=4220) Dragon boundary mark City of London West - Perring, Ralph Edgar (id=4221) Drill Hall (id=4997) Drill Hall Soldiers (id=4998) Druids, Ancient Order of (id=2813) Duffield Sluice (id=4935) Duke of Northumberlands River 2004 (id=3013) Dunstan Fountain - Duke, James (id=7319) Eagle House - Bell Robert - Jackson, Thomas (id=3101) Early London Bridges (id=5458) East & West Riverside Guardroom (id=7669) East & West Riverside Guardroom (id=7980) East India Dock Company - King George III (id=6824) East Street Market (id=3640) Edgware Turnpike (id=2540) Edmonton Local Board of Heath (id=3039) Edwardes Square - Edwardes, William (2nd Lord Kensington) (id=2755) Electric Lighting Station Walworth (id=4940) Electric Lighting Station Walworth (id=4941) Elgers Freehold Land (id=361) Elizabeth Fry Refuge - Fry, Elizabeth (id=1285) Elliott Hall (id=3023) Elthorne Gate (id=3019) Enfield Chace (id=2697) Engine House Christ Church (id=5784) Essex Street - Barbon, Nicholas - Bridgeman, Orlando - Fielding, Henry - Crosby, Brass - Savage, James - Charles Edward Stuart, Prince - Lindsey, Theophilus - Johnson, Doctor Samuel (id=61) F A Albin and Sons (id=4643) Fairfield Works - Match Girls Strike - Bryant & May (id=1702) Fascists March 1937 (id=6385) Ferrymans Seat (id=2289) Festival of Britain (id=6022) Festival of Britain (id=4961) Festival of Britain (id=4307) Festival of Britain (id=4217) Festival of Britain - Heath Park Estate (id=6063) Festival of Britain (id=5153) Festival of Britain (id=4699) Festival of Britain (id=4264) Festival of Britain (id=6871) Dobson, Frank - Festival of Britain (id=5401) Festival of Britain (id=1344) Firemen Plaque 7 (Charles Pearson) - Sidney Street Siege (id=1721) Thorntons Corner (Beckenham Journal) - First Airmail Post Office (id=2160) First Kilburn Bridge (id=3870) First state-aided housing in Islington (id=5290) Fish Island (id=4575) Fish Marker Stone (id=6106) Fleet Street Heritage Sundial (id=7080) Toynbee Housing Association - Flower and Dean Street - King Charles III (Prince Charles) (id=5870) Folgate Street Houses (id=5876) Folly Wall (id=6538) Former Chingford Fire Station (id=3079) Freemasons (id=8122) Freemasons (id=1642) Freemasons (id=8076) Frost Fairs (id=5434) Galtymore (id=7086) Gardners Pleasure Resort (id=2212) Garraways Coffee House (id=2270) Gas, Light and Coke Company (id=2844) Gasholders Pancras Gasworks (id=5796) Gatehouse Highgate (id=3853) Gay Rights Demo, First (id=2801) General Letter Office (id=445) Gerald Road Police Station (id=2837) Golden Yard (id=3828) Church of the Assumption - Gordon Riots (id=5158) Gospel Tree (id=2951) Grafton Hall - Bob Burgess and Doreen Freeman (id=5568) Great Conduit (id=5670) Great Dangaroo Flood (id=5156) Paxton, Joseph - Great Exhibition (id=2912) Great Exhibition (id=3937) Great Exhibition (id=2343) Great Exhibition (id=3938) Great Exhibition (id=2911) Great Exhibition (id=2245) Great Fire of Tooley Street (id=5427) Great Forest of Essex (id=4730) Great House - Tench, Fisher  (id=2965) Great Maze Pond (id=3679) Great Ormond Street (id=5015) Greenwich Market (id=2099) Greenwich Town Hall (id=2132) Grims Dyke (id=3015) Grims Dyke (id=3022) Grove Road Toll Bar (id=4581) Guilders Stone (id=4603) Gunpowder Plot (id=1276) Haberdashers Place (id=5364) Worshipful Company of Haberdashers - Haberdashers Place (id=5363) Hackney Peace Carnival Mural - Walker, Ray - Banks, Tony (id=4531) Hamleys - Hamley, William (id=5216) Hammersmith Drawdock (id=2877) Princess Margaret - Hampstead Garden Suburb (id=4210) Hampstead Garden Suburb (id=3035) Royal Military Asylum - Hans Town (id=5333) Happy Married Life Trough (id=4599) Harow Weald Stone (id=7068) Havering Palace (id=6023) Hawkwood Lodge (id=3084) Hays Wharf (id=5426) Heals - Heal, Ambrose (id=5235) Heals - Heal, Ambrose (id=5236) Heath and Hampstead Society (id=2094) Heathcoat House (id=5100) Hidden River (id=5708) Hill Garden Shelter (id=3598) Hillfield Park House of the Century (id=4273) Hindoostane Coffee House - Mahomed, Sake Dean (id=691) Holloway Fire Brigade Station (id=3968) Redwood, John - Horseferry Mews (id=8088) Hyde Park Conduit (id=4410) Ice Wells (id=2698) Improving Dwellings (id=5018) Institute of Taxation Site (id=564) Ivy Restaurant (id=2008) Jacob the dray horse (id=5525) Radcliffe, James (3rd Earl of Derwentwater) - Jacobite rising of 1715 (id=4996) Jahncke Ltd (id=5358) Jamaica Wine House (1st Coffee House in London) - Pasqua Rosee (id=1961) John Kidd and Co (id=4576) Jones Butchers Shop (id=3000) Keevil and Best (id=2405) Kensal House - Fry, Maxwell (id=3757) Keppel Street Boundary Marker (id=8173) Keston Park (id=7701) Kilburn Wells (id=607) Kilburn Wells Spa (id=3871) King George IV - Kings Cross (id=5279) Kops Brewery - Lowenfeld, Henry (id=2196) Ladywell (id=4948) Ladywell Mineral Spring (id=1564) Laid To Rest Crossness (id=7234) Lambeth Cholera Epidemic (id=3735) Lambeth Tenements (id=7728) Laurence Corner (id=5056) Lavender Pumphouse (id=2362) Leadenhall Market (id=639) Lenthal Works (id=4530) Lesnes Abbey (id=2326) Roesia of Dover - Richard de Luci - Lesnes Abbey (id=2333) Lesney Matchbox Cars (id=3011) Letchford House (id=3024) Lewisham Clock Tower - Queen Victoria (id=4946) Leytonstone House - Buxton, Edward North (id=2971) Schrecker, Jeremy - LIfespring & Bedrock (id=6375) Lincolns Inn Wall (id=8127) Listed House (id=3954) Listed Milestone (id=7663) Listed Milestone (id=6250) Little Venice - Byron, Lord - Browning, Robert (id=4980) Lloyds Coffee House (id=664) Loddiges Nursery (id=2145) London Bridge Alcoves (id=4596) London Bridge Alcoves (id=4595) London Bridge Niche (id=5423) London Bridge old approach road (id=5457) London Fire Brigade - King George VI - Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (id=5499) Studd, Kynaston - London Fruit and Wool Exchange (id=5931) London House Site (id=1884) London Salvage Corps (id=8123) London Wall (id=5799) London Wall (id=7146) Long Lodge - Merton Park Studios (id=4495) Lord John (id=3489) Lower Marsh (id=4972) Ludgate Site (id=1861) Lyons Walk Soc (id=4286) Maids of Honour (id=1502) Main Guardhouse (id=1695) Manor House Lodge (id=5825) Mapesbury Prebendary - Brock, Thomas - Montpezat, Henri de (Prince Consort of Denmark) (id=4978) Marble Arch - Nash, John (id=6478) Barrow, Colin - Marble Arch Fountains (id=6374) Marshalsea Prison (id=5449) Marshalsea Prison (id=5447) Marshalsea Prison (id=5451) Marshalsea Prison (id=5448) Marylebone Lane Conduit (id=4695) Queen Elizabeth II - Marylebone precinct (id=5120) Besant, Annie - Match Girls Strike - Theosophical Society - Indian National Congress (id=1701) Matilda Fountain - Durham, Joseph (id=6126) May Fair (id=720) May Fair Hotel - King George V - Queen Mary (id=5222) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4842) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4825) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4840) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4823) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4855) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4838) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4821) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4853) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4836) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4819) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4851) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4834) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4817) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4849) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4832) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4865) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4815) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4847) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4830) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4863) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4813) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4845) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4828) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4861) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4843) Watts, George Frederic - Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4811) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4826) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4859) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4841) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4824) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4856) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4839) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4822) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4854) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4837) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4820) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4852) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4835) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4818) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4850) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4833) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice - Clinton, John (id=4857) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4816) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4848) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4831) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4864) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4814) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4846) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4829) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4862) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4812) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4844) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4827) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (id=4860) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice (Arthur Regelous & Alice Maud Denman) (id=4858) Merton Place - Nelson, Horatio - Lady Emma Hamilton (id=3103) Milestone Denmark Hill (id=6596) Monmouth House - James Scott (1st Duke of Monmouth) - King Charles II (id=5230) Monument to the Great Fire of London (id=4654) Moones - Monoux, George (id=3009) Moor Gate Site (id=1887) Mossy Well (Muswell Hill) (id=2686) Lewin, Terence Thornton (Lord Lewin of Greenwich) - National Maritime Museum (id=6683) National Provident Institution (id=8174) National Union of Womens Suffrage Societies (id=7090) National Windrush Monument - Watson, Basil - Duke of Cambridge (Prince William) - Duchess of Cambridge (Catherine Middleton) (id=6966) Navy Office - Pepys, Samuel (id=3247) Nepali Community (id=2732) New River (id=3952) New River Company (id=5285) New Zealand Company - Wakefield, Edward Gibbon (id=790) Newham Town Hall (id=6472) Nicoll Family (id=2490) Nightingale Street Buildings (id=6295) Nine OClock Gun (id=4159) Norbiton Hall - Taverner, Richard - Evelyn, George - Benn, Anthony - Countess of Liverpool (id=3141) Northern Outfall Sewer - Bazalgette, Joseph (id=4520) Northern Outfall Sewer - Bazalgette, Joseph (id=4577) Norway House (id=3627) Norwood Grove - King Charles II - Anderson, Arthur (id=3667) Warwick, Joan - Warwick, Alan - Norwood Society (id=3666) Norwood Society shops trail 1 (id=2634) Norwood Society shops trail 10 (id=2643) Norwood Society shops trail 11 (id=2644) Norwood Society shops trail 12 (id=2645) Norwood Society shops trail 13 (id=2646) Norwood Society shops trail 14 (id=2647) Norwood Society shops trail 15 (id=2648) Norwood Society shops trail 16 (id=2649) Norwood Society shops trail 2 (id=2635) Norwood Society shops trail 3 (id=2636) Norwood Society shops trail 4 (id=2637) Norwood Society shops trail 5 (id=2638) Norwood Society shops trail 6 (id=2639) Norwood Society shops trail 7 (id=2640) Norwood Society shops trail 8 (id=2641) Norwood Society shops trail 9 (id=2642) Novellos printing works (id=5231) Nunhead Cemetery (id=2129) Old Admiralty Building (id=1574) Old Change (id=4670) Old Court House Clapham (id=4451) Old Fire Station Harrow (id=3087) Old Hampstead Pumproom (id=3833) Old Limehouse (id=8087) Old Roman London Wall (id=5646) Old Slaughters Coffee House - RSPCA (id=810) Paddington Old Town Hall (id=3492) Pall Mall Restaurant - Rugby Football Union (id=4776) Pankhurst Memorial - Pankhurst, Christabel - Pankhurst, Emmeline (id=3689) Pankhurst Memorial - Pankhurst, Emmeline (id=3688) Parish Marker (Clerkenwell) - St Michaels Islington (id=5282) Parish Marker (Hampstead) (id=6419) Parish Marker (Hampstead) (id=6368) Parish Marker (Paddington 2) (id=7126) Parish Marker (Paddington 3) (id=7272) Parish Marker (Paddington) (id=6457) Parish Marker (Paddington/Chelsea) (id=6988) St James Church Clerkenwell - Parish Marker (St Mary Islington) (id=5281) Parish Marker (St Mary Islington) (id=5280) Parish Marker Post Penge (id=2156) Parish of St Saviours Southwark (id=5456) Parish Pump Tooting (id=6615) Hovell, Charles William - Parmiter Street Housing Scheme (id=6926) Peasants Revolt - Highbury Manor (id=2735) South London Gallery - Peckham Road Fire Station (id=8090) Peek Frean (id=2367) Penfold Pillar Box - Penfold, John (id=6328) Penge Old Police Station (id=6708) Penny Post (id=852) Peoples Building Society (id=4945) Pepys Estate - Royal Victoria Yard (id=4874) Pepys Estate - Royal Victoria Yard (id=4872) Pepys Estate - Royal Victoria Yard (id=4873) Pepys Estate -  Earl Mountbatten of Burma (id=4871) Piccadilly Restoration - Queen Elizabeth II - Parker Bowles, Camilla (Duchess of Cornwall) - Middleton, Catherine (Duchess of Cambridge) (id=4362) Pinner Hill Farm (id=3014) Pinner House - King Charles II - Nell Gwynne (id=3020) Poplar Town Hall - Culkin, Clifford (id=3209) Port of London Authority (id=2368) Flowers, Tommy - Post Office Research Station (id=7733) Property boundary marker (id=3966) Pumphouse Educational Trust (id=2369) Quaker Garden - Quakers (Society of Friends) - Fox, George (id=7313) Queenhithe Mosaic - Yarrow, Alan (id=7097) Queens Gate Place Mews Arch (id=2460) Queens Wood - Duchess of Albany (id=4275) Rainham (Pilgrim) Ferry (id=2747) Rathbone Place (id=5429) Regents Canal Housing (id=4979) Richmond Milestone Obelisk (id=6901) River Effra (id=5578) River Effra (id=5576) River Effra (id=5585) River Effra (id=5581) River Effra (id=5579) River Effra (id=5577) River Effra (id=5575) River Effra (id=5586) River Effra (id=5584) River Effra (id=5580) River Tyburn (id=3796) River Tyburn (id=5203) Roe Bridge (id=5602) Roman Bath (id=934) Roman Camp Site (id=2856) Roman Road Kilburn (id=6435) Roman Warehouse (id=5413) Rotherhithe Watch House (id=4925) Rotten Row (id=946) Royal Avenue (id=952) Royal Carriage Factory (North Range) (id=7977) Royal Carriage Factory (West Range) (id=7976) Royal Crescent Holland Park - Cantwell, Robert (id=4434) Royal Doulton (id=4916) Royalty Mansions (id=5381) Russell Family (id=957) Savoy Palace - Tyler, Wat - Savoy Hotel (id=2868) Savoy Place (id=978) Selfridges - Weston, Galen (id=5169) Selfridges (id=5168) Shad Thames (id=3680) Sheepwash Pond (id=2949) Shepherds Well, The (id=1003) Shoreditch Parish Marker (id=6817) Shoreditch Town Hall (id=7654) Skylon - Festival of Britain (id=5396) Smith, John - Smith Payne and Smiths (id=7160) Soapsuds Island (id=3201) South Bank Lion (id=4774) Southgate Local Government (id=2693) Southgate Stocks (id=3049) Southgate Village Hall (id=2696) Spaniards Toll Gate (id=1037) Spirit of Soho (id=5160) Spitalfields Market - Horner, Robert (id=5783) Spitalfields Market - Horner, Robert (id=5782) St Georges Circus - Crosby, Brass (id=5503) St Jamess Residences (id=5078) St Jamess Square Notting Hill (id=4435) St John Street Turnpike (id=2739) St Johns Gate (id=2787) St Lawrence and Mary Magdalene Drinking Fountain (id=5882) St Mary Undershaft Maypole (id=5888) St Marylebone Boundary Marker (id=7153) St Pancras Parish Marker (id=7159) St Pauls Cross (id=4667) St Pauls Church Lightwell (id=8525) Stanmore Hall - DArcy, William Knox - Holland, Robert (id=3031) Stanmore Park (RAF) (id=3030) Stephen and Matilda (id=5806) Stocks Market (id=1061) Stoke Newington Town Hall (id=1315) Stonebridge Estate (id=4527) Stones End Fort (id=2315) Stratford Co-operative and Industrial Society (id=4568) Stuart House - Stuart Reliefs (id=5324) Suffolk Palace (Place) (id=3252) Sulloniacae, Site of Roman Pottery of   (id=1077) Sunnyside Lodge (id=3081) Surrey Docks Farm (id=2447) Swiss Court (id=5225) Swiss Embassy (id=5122) Swiss Glockenspiel (id=5226) Sycamore House (id=4448) Tea Trade at St Katherine Docks (id=6937) Temperance (id=4335) King Edward VII - Homer - Temple Bar (id=7316) Queen VIctoria - Chaucer, Geoffrey - Temple Bar (id=7318) Prince Albert Victor (Duke of Clarence) - Temple Bar (id=7315) Truscott, Frances Wyatt - Temple Bar (id=7317) Testimonial Fountain (id=1705) Texas Legation (id=2831) Thames Ironworks and Shipbuilding Company (id=4629) Thames Tunnel Boiler House (id=4923) Thames Tunnel Mill (id=2379) Thanet House (id=4665) The Angel (id=3037) The Angel Clock - Pop Goes The Weasel (id=6815) The Coles of Brushfield Street (id=5932) The Hampstead Pergola - Walford, Christopher (id=6376) The Hermitage (id=3029) The Kip (id=6312) The London 2012 Mural (id=6059) The Long Acre - Baird, John Logie (id=7692) The Mercers Maiden - Worshipful Company of Mercers (id=8183) The Old Dairy (id=7119) The Old Fire Station Brentford (id=7115) The Old Fire Station Southwark (id=5999) The Old Fire Station Southwark - Smith, Christopher (id=5998) Cozens-Hardy, Herbert - The Peoples Hall (id=6557) Browning, Robert - The Robert Browning Settlement (id=3946) The Seven Dials Sundial - Pierce, Edward - Neale, Thomas (id=6278) Queen Beatrix - The Seven Dials Sundial (id=6277) The Troubadour (id=3940) The Windmill Wandsworth Common (id=8079) Toll Gate (id=2670) Toll Gate at Castle Inn (id=4192) Toll House (id=1115) Tolpuddle Martyrs - Pontecorvo, Lisa (id=5247) Tooting Migrants (id=6992) Tothill Fields Gate (id=8100) Tothill Fields Prison (id=8101) Tottenham High Cross (id=3948) Tower Hill Medieval Postern (id=5800) Tower Hill Scaffold - Sudbury, Simon - Hales, Robert - Burley, Simon - Fitzalan, Richard - Wyche, Richard - de Vere, John - Tiptoft, John (id=6835) Tower Hill Scaffold - Laud, William - Vane, Harry - Sidney, Algernon - James Scott (1st Duke of Monmouth) - Radcliffe, James (3rd Earl of Derwentwater) - Simon Fraser (Lord Lovat) (id=6831) Tower Hill Scaffold - Courtenay, Henry - Cromwell, Thomas - Howard, Henry - Seymour, Edward - Wyatt, Thomas - Howard, Thomas - Wentworth, Thomas (id=6832) Tower Hill Scaffold - Stanley, William - Tuchet, James - Plantagenet, Edward - Stafford, Edward - Fisher, John - More, Thomas - Darcy, Thomas (id=6834) Tower Hill Scaffold - Earl of Kilmarnock - Lord Balmerino (id=6830) Tower Hill Scaffold (id=6833) Tower Liberty - Penn, William (id=6841) Trafalgar Way (id=1575) Trafalgar Way (id=2178) Trafalgar Way (id=1258) Trafalgar Way (id=6360) Tredegar Square - Morgan, Charles (id=4562) Trinity House (id=1125) Turks Head (id=5814) Tuttle Fields (id=3807) Twining, House of (id=1136) Tyburn Stone (id=4402) Tyburn Stone (id=3751) Tyburn Tree (id=4408) Tyburn-105 Catholic martyrs (id=1137) Adams, Henry Brooks - United States Embassy (id=5) Uphall Brick Earth Pits (id=2939) Vicars Oak (id=4702) Victoria Embankment - Stone, Nicholas (id=6370) Victoria Golden Jubilee - Teddington Water Fountain (id=7666) Vince Mans Shop (id=3488) Virginia Settlers Monument - Susan Constant - The Godspeed - Discovery (id=4628) Waitrose (id=1154) Equiano, Olaudah - Wall of the Ancestors (id=4881) Gibbons, Grinling - Wall of the Ancestors (id=4890) Pett, Phineas - Wall of the Ancestors (id=4877) Wall of the Ancestors - Pope, Peter (id=4885) Wall of the Ancestors - Pepys Estate (id=4875) Wall of the Ancestors - Metrina (id=4891) Wall of the Ancestors - Lee, Debra (id=4876) Catherine of Aragon - Wall of the Ancestors (id=4883) Wall of the Ancestors - Gloss, Burnhart (id=4879) OHara, Dave - Wall of the Ancestors (id=4887) Wall of the Ancestors - Stewart, Shirley (id=4889) Drake, Francis - Wall of the Ancestors (id=4892) Peter the Great - Wall of the Ancestors (id=4878) Wall of the Ancestors - Pepys Estate (id=4884) Wall of the Ancestors - OLeary, Tony (id=4886) Wall of the Ancestors - Martin, Tommy (id=4888) Queen Elizabeth I - Wall of the Ancestors (id=4880) Wall of the Ancestors - Hamilton, Michael (id=4882) Walthamstow Fire Engine House (id=2995) Walthamstow Windmill (id=1824) Waterloo Free Buffet (id=8093) Waterloo Road Fire Station (id=5508) Wax Well (id=3016) Welford and Sons Dairy (id=6003) Wellington Arch - King Edward VII - Michelham, Herbert (id=4991) Wenlock Barn Estate (id=5369) West Ham Boundary Stone (id=6196) West Hampstead Fire Station (id=8077) West India Docks (id=3235) West India Docks - Wedburn, Alexander (Lord Loughborough) - Pitt the Younger, William (id=3234) West View Harrow (id=3088) Westminster Fire Station (id=3816) Westside House - Gore, Spencer - Copley, John  (Lord Lyndhurst) (id=3097) Whales in The Thames - Evelyn, John (id=4893) White Hart Dock (id=3734) Whitechapel (id=5858) Whitechapel Drinking Fountain (id=5886) Whitecross Market (id=2091) Wimbledon Village (id=6860) Winchester Palace (id=2265) Windrush Generation (id=7447) Windrush Memorial (id=4325) Woodberry Wetlands - Mylne, William - Smith, Robert Percy (id=6597) Woolseys of Acton (id=2213) Worship Street Workshops - Webb, Philip - Morris, William (id=1268) Tatem, James George - Wyer Hall (id=3045) York Street Ladies Residential Chmabers (id=8472) Young and Son (id=4759) Youth Hostel Association (id=7004)