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232 plaques (and 239 names) with a category of Philanthropist

Alexander, William Henry - National Portrait Gallery (id=7983) Angas, John Howard (id=3361) Aske, Robert (id=36) Aske, Robert (id=6252) Askes Hospital (Haberdashers Alms House) - Aske, Robert (id=4522) Baker, Constance (id=6520) Barnett, Henrietta - Barnett, Samuel (id=63) Barnett, Henrietta (id=3034) Barnett, Henrietta (id=4211) Barnett, Henrietta (id=2545) Baron, Bernhard (id=6303) Baron, Bernhard (id=6290) Lambeth Ragged Schools Mural - Beaufoy, Henry Benjamin (id=4915) Beit, Otto (id=88) Bentley, Richard (id=101) Betts, John (id=6595) Bird, George (id=2189) Birkbeck, William Lloyd - Birkbeck, George (id=5487) Blackwell, Thomas (The Cedars Gateway) - Scott, Walter (id=3025) Booth, Charles (id=133) Booth, Charles (id=3945) Brabazon, Reginald (12th Earl Meath) (id=4420) Brodie, Bernard (id=2079) Brodie, Bernard (id=2078) Brown, Ann Dudin (id=5842) Bugeja, Vincenzo (id=8292) Burdett-Coutts, Angela - Burdett-Coutts Drinking Fountain (id=4597) Burdett-Coutts, Angela (id=4265) Burdett-Coutts Memorial Sundial - Burdett-Coutts, Angela  (id=6411) Burdett-Coutts & Townshend School - Townshend, Chauncy Hare - Burdett-Coutts, Angela (id=6666) Burdett-Coutts, Angela (id=6414) Burdett-Coutts, Angela (id=3859) St Stephen with St John Westminster - Burdett-Coutts, Angela (id=6664) Burton, Michael (id=2109) Buxton, Charles - Buxton, Thomas - Wilberforce, William - Clarkson, Thomas - Macaulay, Zachary - Brougham, Henry - Lushington, Stephen (id=6971) Byron, Edmund (id=2167) Caird, James - Hook, Norman - St Marys Church Wimbledon (id=7224) Carnegie, Andrew (id=4262) Deptford Central Library - Carnegie, Andrew (id=6602) Carnegie, Andrew - East Greenwich Library (id=5566) Carnegie Library - Carnegie, Andrew (id=2979) Carnegie, Andrew - Teddington Library (id=7665) New Cross Library - Carnegie, Andrew (id=6612) Carnegie, Andrew - Dallas Central Library (id=7592) Carr, Jonathan (id=3961) Carr-Gomm, Hubert - Carr-Gomm, Emily Blanche (id=2354) Caudwell, John - Bomber Command (id=4993) Charles Day Almshouses (id=2200) Chisholm, Caroline (id=215) Beethoven, Ludwig Van - Clark, William Andrews (id=3675) Clarke, William John (id=3298) Clayton, Tubby - Toc H (id=229) Emperor Trajan - Clayton, Tubby - Toc H (id=5798) Cleary, Fred (id=1588) Clore Duffield, Vivien (id=2527) Clore Duffield, Vivien (id=2528) Cloutman, A B (id=4226) Coates, John Bernard Maurice (id=7369) Cole, Henry (id=242) Jim and Tycho - Cole, Henry (id=3903) Cole, Henry (id=241) Conroy, Geraldine Campbell (id=6516) Coram, Thomas (id=258) Coram, Thomas - Foundling Hospital - Harmsworth (1st Viscount Rothermere), Harold (id=7750) St Martins Gardens - Countess of Rosebery (Rothschild) (id=5043) Yeates, William Willson - Crayshaw, Rose Mary (id=4732) Dawson, Joseph (id=6322) Dawson, Margaret Damer (id=292) Day, Wilfrid Ernest Lytton (id=293) de Rothschild, James - de Rothschild, Dorothy (id=5678) Djanogly, Carol (id=6363) Duffield, Vivien Clore  - Robey, Simon - Sainsbury, Lord John (id=6920) Duffield, Vivien Clore (id=6921) MCC Bicentenary - Duke of Westminster (Gerald Grosvenor) - Lyttleton, Charles (10th Viscount Cobham) (id=3876) Duveen, Lord Joseph (id=5717) Duveen, Sir Joseph (id=5716) Eastman, George (id=8750) Edlmann, Francis (id=3192) Camberwell Public Library - Edwards, John Passmore - Rolls, John  (1st Baron Llangattock) (id=7061) Edwards, John Passmore (id=6019) Edwards, John Passmore (id=4528) Passmore Edwards Sailors Palace - Edwards, John Passmore - British & Foreign Sailors Society (id=6490) Edwards, John Passmore (id=1715) Edwards, John Passmore - South London Gallery (id=7732) Edwards, John Passmore - Vernon Hall (id=1714) Edwards, John Passmore (id=8446) Edwards, John Passmore - Metropolitan Public Gardens Association (id=5365) Camberwell Public Library - Edwards, John Passmore (id=7062) Edwards, John Passmore (id=5412) Edwards, John Passmore (id=4253) Edwards, John Passmore (id=6486) Edwards, John Passmore (id=354) Edwards, John Passmore - Passmore Edwards Public Library (id=2182) Creighton, Louise - Creighton, Mandell (Bishop of London) - Edwards, John Passmore - Acton Hospital (id=6053) Elworthy, Harold Barrington (id=4112) Forster, William Edward (id=402) Frederick Stanley (Lord Stanley of Preston) (id=4173) Geffrye, Robert (id=4526) Gillespie, James (id=8621) Gould, Elizabeth (id=7120) Green, George (id=1772) Grieg, David (id=1924) Groom, John (id=1845) Gudenian, Haig (id=7371) Guiness, Rupert (id=8759) Gulbenkian, Calouste - Saint Sarkis the Warrior (id=3939) Gurney, Samuel (id=4586) Guy, Thomas (id=3761) Guy, Thomas (id=3769) Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother - Guy, Thomas (id=5418) Guy, Thomas (id=3760) Hill, Emery (id=3815) Hoare, John Gurney (id=529) Hogg, Quintin - Quintin and Alice Hogg Memorial - Hogg, Alice (id=5061) Horniman, John - Horniman, Frederick John (id=1535) Ibru, Michael (id=8180) Innes, John (id=1562) James Smith (Maidenhead Almshouses) (id=3547) Jehangir, Cowasjee (id=577) Kirk, John (Ragged School) (id=611) Lady Reading (Stella Isaacs) - Womens Voluntary Services (id=2401) Lady Wallace - Lebourg, Charles Auguste (id=8455) Lambe, William - Holborn Conduit (id=4751) Lancaster, William (id=2625) Levy, Uriah Phillips (id=7634) Lewis, Ada (id=3549) Lewis, Samuel (id=8430) Lipton, Thomas (id=4331) Leysian Mission - Marshall, Horace B - Lord Strathcona (Donald Smith) - McArthur, Alexander - Reed, Albert (id=5654) Lord Strathcona (Donald Smith) - Royal Academy of Music (id=7438) Royal Academy of Music - Duke of Connaught - Lord Alverstone (Richard Webster) - Earl of Kilmorey (Francis Needham) - Lord Strathcona (Donald Smith) (id=7442) Winterstoke House - Lord Winterstoke (id=7167) Low, Katherine Mackay (id=2149) Lubbock, John (Lord Avebury) (id=2479) Lubbock, John (Lord Avebury) (id=3842) Lubbock, John (Lord Avebury) (id=676) Lubbock, John (Lord Avebury) - North Kensington Library (id=7088) Trinity Chapel - Lycett, Francis (id=4329) Macaulay, Zachary - Macaulay, Thomas Babington (id=1384) Macmillan, Douglas (id=689) Marnham, Herbert (id=5726) Martineau, Caroline (id=2328) Mayer, Robert (id=722) Mellon, Paul (id=6245) Menon, V K Krishna (id=736) Wellington Arch - King Edward VII - Michelham, Herbert (id=4991) Mocatta, Edward Lumbrozo (id=4510) Mocatta, Frederick David (id=7083) Moones - Monoux, George (id=3009) Montefiore, Leonard (id=5867) Montefiore, Moses (id=759) Morden College - Morden, John (id=5564) Morgan, Francis Charles (id=3814) Christ Church Lambeth - Morley, Samuel (id=6045) Morley, Samuel - Royal Victoria Hall (id=5399) Morrell, Ottoline (id=768) Morris, Samuel and Anna - Stepney Jewish Community Centre (id=6325) Nicholson, William (id=797) Nicholson, William (id=2258) Page, Dame Mary - Page, Gregory (id=7428) United Westminster Almshouses - Palmer, James - Hill, Emery (id=3813) Pappaffy, Giovanni (id=8294) Peabody, George (id=1578) Peabody, George (id=844) Pearce, J D M (id=3544) Pearson, Arthur (id=4296) Raikes, Robert (id=903) Ravenhill, John - Tooting School (id=6617) Ritblat, John - Ritblat, Jill (id=7443) Roan, John (id=8086) Rolls, Georgina (Lady Llangattock) (id=663) Rolls, Georgina (Lady Llangattock) - Camberwell Public Baths - Rolls, John  (1st Baron Llangattock) (id=7060) Rothschild, Charlotte de (id=6549) Rothschild, Constance de - Queen Victoria - Edwards, John Passmore - Acton Hospital (id=6052) Rothschild, Dorothy - Rothschild, James (id=5450) Ruskin, John (id=1388) Ruspini, Bartholomew (id=7029) Safra, Edmond - Safra, Lily (id=7724) Safra, Edmond (id=7725) Sainsbury Exhibitions Gallery - Sainsbury, Lord John - Sainsbury, Simon (id=8754) Sassoon, Albert (id=6299) Schiff, Otto (id=7453) Schiff, Otto (id=5445) Strong, Jonathan - Sharp, Granville (id=7297) Skynner, Captain Samuel (id=2262) Sloane, Hans (id=4605) Sloane, Hans (id=5334) King Henry VIII - Sloane, Hans (id=514) Smithson, James (id=1030) Sobell, Michael (id=5723) Sobell, Michael (id=2857) Stanley, Frederick (Lord Stanley of Preston) (id=1050) Stern, Sydney (Lord Wandsworth) (id=1164) Stern, Sydney (Lord Wandsworth) (id=4487) Sternberg, Sigmund - Sternberg, Hazel (id=5312) Stoll Studios - Stoll, Oswald (id=6970) War Seal Foundation - Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation - Stoll, Oswald - Lord Harding of Petherton - Gibbs, Roland - Chapple, John - Lord Walker of Aldringham - Duchess of Gloucester (id=6138) London Coliseum - Stoll, Oswald (id=666) Sunley, Bernard (id=1080) Sutton, William Richard (id=5292) Sutton, William Richard (id=2097) Sutton, William Richard (id=3753) Tate, Henry (id=4489) Tate, Henry (id=6173) Tate, Henry (id=2438) Tate, Henry (id=6661) Aubrey House - Grosvenor (1st Earl), Richard - Coke, Mary - Taylor, Peter - Taylor, Clementia - Alexander, William Cleverly (id=1831) Teles, Alexandre da Cunha (id=6879) Touro Synagogue New Orleans - Touro, Judah (id=7538) Tritton, Charles Ernest (id=5710) Twitchin, Henry - Eugenics Society (id=4369) Viscount Nuffield (William Morris) (id=5416) Wakefield, Priscilla (id=2144) Wakefield, Viscount (id=1155) Wall, Thomas (id=3122) Wall, Thomas (id=3123) Wallace, Richard - Hannaux, Emmanuel (id=8456) Cromwell Buildings - Waterlow, Sydney - Great Exhibition (id=5514) Waterlow, Sydney (id=1171) Watson, Joshua (id=1441) Webb, William (id=2210) Webb, William (id=2166) Selfridges - Weston, Galen (id=5169) Worshipful Company of Clothworkers - All Hallows Staining - William Lambe (id=4657) Wohl, Maurice (id=7137) Woldenberg, Malcolm (id=7527) Woldenberg, Malcolm (id=7498) Bushey Jewish Cemetery - Jakobovits, Immanuel - Wolfson, Isaac (id=7072) Wolfson, Isaac (id=8138) Wolfson, Leonard (id=8591) Pauncfort, Edward - Pauncfort Almshouses - Woolaston, John (id=3854) Zangwill, Israel (id=1230)