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259 plaques (and 284 names) with a category of Religious

Adler, Hermann (id=6550) Alcock, John - Ely Old Bishops Palace (id=2495) Andrade, Francisco Fulgêncio (id=6888) Annesley, Susanna (id=1730) Hortense Mancini (Duchess of Mazarin) - Archbishop Herring - Talleyrand, Charles (id=4385) Austen, Henry - Austen, Jane (id=6131) Aylward, Gladys (id=3042) Aylward, Gladys (id=3044) Baeck, Rabbi Leo (id=2408) Bahá'u'lláh - Bahai Faith (id=4270) Ball, John (id=8739) Bayfield, Linda (id=5309) Becket, Thomas (id=82) Becket, Thomas (id=7239) Becket, Thomas (id=83) Binney, Thomas (id=4305) City Temple Holborn - Binney, Thomas (id=5852) Bishop Brown of Pella (id=4911) Bishop Brown of Pella (id=4910) How Memorial Gateway - Bishop of Bedford - Bishop of London (id=6321) Harrow War Memorial - Bishop of Willesden - Duke of Gloucester (id=7066) Blue, Lionel (id=5735) Bonhoeffer, Dietrich (id=1455) Bonhoeffer, Dietrich (id=1636) Booth, Catherine (id=3229) Booth, Catherine (id=1515) Booth, Catherine Bramwell (id=4540) Booth, William - Salvation Army - Brown, Arnold (id=1516) Booth, William - Salvation Army (id=3225) Booth, William - Booth, Catherine - Salvation Army (id=1322) Booth, William - Salvation Army (id=3228) Booth, William - Salvation Army (id=1517) Boothby-Heathcote, Robert (id=3078) Friday Hill House - Vulliamy, Lewis - Boothby-Heathcote, Robert (id=3077) Bray, John - Wesley, Charles (id=147) Brodie, Israel (id=5441) Brown, Geoffrey (id=6518) Bunting, Jabez (id=2718) Cadman, William (id=5029) Canon João de Brito (id=8040) Cardinal Godfrey (id=4407) Carlile, Prebendary Wilson (id=189) Carver, Deryk (id=2558) St Josephs Cottages (Almhouses) - Cashman, David - Heenan, John (id=5326) Cassar, Saverio (id=8274) Cassuto, Umberto (id=7852) Challoner, Richard (id=2651) Christ, Jesus (id=6484) Clarke, John Erskine (id=7683) Cochran, Sam P (id=7585) Cocking, George (id=8690) Cogan, Eliezer - Disraeli, Benjamin (id=3008) Corbin, John (id=4234) Cornwallis, Frederick (id=8478) Cox, Adelaide - Salvation Army Social Work (id=4538) Creighton, Louise - Creighton, Mandell (Bishop of London) - Edwards, John Passmore - Acton Hospital (id=6053) Marquis of Bute - Cridge, Edward (id=4066) St Pancras New Church - Croot, Archibald Bertram (id=6422) Cruden, Alexander (id=1292) Cure, Edward Capel (id=6996) Tibetan Peace Garden - Dalai Lama (id=5983) Tibetan Peace Garden - Dalai Lama (id=5540) Tibetan Peace Garden - Dalai Lama (id=5982) Harrow School WW1 Memorial - Davidson, Randall (id=8607) Dearmer, Percy (id=2663) Delille, Henriette (id=7513) du Boulay, William Thomas (id=339) Duffy, Francis (id=7607) Edwards, Howell Powell (id=4399) Falconer, Thomas (id=4988) Scott, George Gilbert - Pearson, John Loughborough - Farrar, Frederic - St Margarets Church (id=8106) Farrar, Frederic (id=8105) Father Jack Holden (id=5267) Fell, Margaret - Quakers (Society of Friends) (id=5614) Tower Hill Scaffold - Stanley, William - Tuchet, James - Plantagenet, Edward - Stafford, Edward - Fisher, John - More, Thomas - Darcy, Thomas (id=6834) Fletcher, Mary Bosanquet (id=4726) Hanbury Hall - Forster, William (id=6773) Fox, George (id=7429) Fox, George - Quakers (Society of Friends) (id=5612) Quaker Garden - Quakers (Society of Friends) - Fox, George (id=7313) Quakers (Society of Friends) - Fox, George (id=4662) South Place Ethical Society - Fox, William Johnson - Conway, Moncure (id=5658) Frederick Lord Bishop of London - Fulham Wasteland & Lygon Almshouses (id=6870) Garvie, Alfred (id=5922) Gillan, Minnie (id=4069) Gordon, Cosmo (Archbishop of Canterbury) (id=5507) Gregory of Nin - Mestrovic, Ivan (id=7940) Gryn, Hugo (id=5310) Gurney, John Hampden (id=5124) Gurney, John Hampden (id=5123) Hall, Newman (id=2704) Harrison, Joseph (id=6914) Harvard, John (id=2293) Queens Head Inn - Harvard, John (id=2332) Harvard, John - Harvard Chapel - La Farge, John (id=8178) Harvard, John (id=7289) Queen Elizabeth II - Henry Campbell Lord Bishop of London - Geoffrey Fisher Archbishop of Canterbury - Cullum Welch Lord Mayor (id=7281) St Brides Church rededication - Queen Elizabeth II - Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) - Henry Campbell Lord Bishop of London - Allen, Walter Godfrey - Wren, Christopher (id=7355) Herford, Robert Travers (id=516) Herschell, Ridley (id=6681) Hertz, J H (id=517) Hili, Alfons Maria (id=8280) Hilliard, Joseph Stephen (id=5683) Caird, James - Hook, Norman - St Marys Church Wimbledon (id=7224) Hooker, Thomas (id=2215) Hoptons Charity and Almshouses - Hopton, Charles (id=5997) Hoptons Charity and Almshouses - Hopton,Charles (id=2140) How, George Augustus Mayo (id=6319) St Pancras New Church - Frederick Duke of York - Howley, William (id=6256) Sharpeville Monument - Sharpeville Massacre - Ramphal, Shridath S - Huddleston, Trevor (id=5582) Hughes, Hugh Price (id=548) Hume, Basil (id=7122) St Josephs Cottages (Almhouses) - Hume, Basil (id=5328) Hume, Basil (id=549) Humphry, William Gilson (id=6514) St Thomas Syriac Cathedral Acton - Ignatius Aphrem II - Athanasius Toma Dawod (id=8575) Inglis, John (id=7678) Irving, Edward (id=566) Isidor, Lazare (id=8381) Jackson, John (id=7036) Bushey Jewish Cemetery - Jakobovits, Immanuel - Wolfson, Isaac (id=7072) John Jackson Lord Bishop of London (id=8063) Joseph Caruana (Dun Guzepp) (id=8259) Kee, Albert (id=7188) Kensit, John (id=5909) Khan, Syed Ahmed (id=606) Kupareo, Rajmund (id=7951) Labini, Vincenzo (id=8210) Landy, Rabbi Maurice (id=5679) Tower Hill Scaffold - Laud, William - Vane, Harry - Sidney, Algernon - James Scott (1st Duke of Monmouth) - Radcliffe, James (3rd Earl of Derwentwater) - Simon Fraser (Lord Lovat) (id=6831) Lima, José de (id=8036) Essex Street - Barbon, Nicholas - Bridgeman, Orlando - Fielding, Henry - Crosby, Brass - Savage, James - Charles Edward Stuart, Prince - Lindsey, Theophilus - Johnson, Doctor Samuel (id=61) Lowder, Charles (id=5818) Tower Hamlets Mission - Lunt, Evered (id=5860) Machado, João Baptista (id=8031) Baptist Union - Maclaren, Alexander (id=3614) Manning, Cardinal (id=696) Matear, John - William Booth College (id=4903) Maupas, Lino (id=7850) Maurice, Frederick Denison (id=716) Mercieca, Joseph - Gafa, Lorenzo (id=8256) Monsell, John (id=758) More, Thomas - Bacon, Viscount Francis - Shakespeare, William - Milton, John - Newton, Isaac (id=4676) More, Thomas (id=2762) More, Thomas (id=765) 15 Cheyne Walk - Erasmus - More, Thomas (id=5345) Lindsey House - 3rd Earl of Lindsey(Robert Bertie) - de Mayerne, Theodore - More, Thomas - Zinzendorf, Nicolaus (id=4350) Westminster Hall - More, Thomas (id=6565) More, Thomas (id=5342) More, Thomas (id=1882) Mother Teresa (id=8058) Gandhi, Mahatma - Mwamba, Trevor (id=6477) Nachmanides (Moses ben Nahman, Ramban) (id=2536) St Pancras New Church - Napier, Alexander George (id=6423) Newman, Cardinal (id=1795) Newman, Cardinal (id=793) Newman, Cardinal (id=1584) Newman,, Cardinal (id=3942) Nichols, Vincent - St Josephs Cottages (Almhouses) (id=5327) Livingstone, David - Paget, Edward - Victoria Falls (id=3152) Parker, Joseph (id=5924) Penn, William (id=5666) Penn, William - Quakers (Society of Friends) (id=5617) Tower Liberty - Penn, William (id=6841) Perry, William Robert (id=3953) Plunkett, Oliver (id=4486) Politeo, Ante (id=7952) Pope Benedict - Abela, George (id=8221) Pope Benedict - Pell, George (id=3460) Pope Francis - Vella, George (id=8222) Pope John Paul II (id=8038) Pope John Paul II (id=7500) Pope John Paul II (id=8010) Pope John Paul II (id=7956) Pope John Paul II (id=8349) Pope John Paul II - de Marco, Guido (id=8196) Pope John Paul II (id=8276) Pope John Paul II (id=8261) Pope John Paul II - Tabone, Censu (id=8219) Pope John Paul II - Bommarito, Luigi (id=8345) Pope John Paul II - de Marco, Guido (id=8231) Pope John Paul II (id=8309) Pope Paul V (id=8214) St Louis Cathedral - Pope Paul VI (id=7503) Pope Pius IX (id=8277) Poulton, J Sylvester (id=5728) Rabinowicz, Harry - Rabinowicz, Bella (id=5721) Worshipful Company of Haberdashers - Ramsey, Michael (id=7282) Reynolds, Saint Richard (id=1262) Richards, Nicholas (Father Nick) (id=3682) Romero, Oscar (id=4703) Ronald Bishop of Southwark - Frankham, Harold (id=8176) Rundle, Robert T (id=4029) Saint George Tal Hagar (id=8279) Gulbenkian, Calouste - Saint Sarkis the Warrior (id=3939) Saint Thiago (id=6885) Santangelo, Salvatore (id=8321) Secker, Thomas (id=1760) Shelley, Richard (id=8209) Sheptycky, Andrew Count - Sheptycky, Clement - Wieth, Irmgard - Kohl, Max - Sendler, Irena (id=5300) Sisters of St. Ann (id=4079) Smirnove, James (id=5996) Smith, J Rider - Highbury Quadrant Congregational Church (id=6427) Smith, Robert - Denley, John - Packingham, Patrick  (id=2954) Smith, Rodney (Gypsy) (id=3070) Smith, William (id=1028) Soper, Donald (id=5668) Souder, Holt (id=7354) Spurgeon, Charles - Higgs, William (id=6659) Spurgeon, Charles Haddon (id=1354) St Francis of Assisi (id=2537) St Francis of Assisi (id=6875) Stephenson, Thomas - Action for Children (id=2314) Stone, Edward (id=8484) Tower Hill Scaffold - Sudbury, Simon - Hales, Robert - Burley, Simon - Fitzalan, Richard - Wyche, Richard - de Vere, John - Tiptoft, John (id=6835) Sumner, Mary - Mothers Union (id=3823) Taylor, James Hudson - China Inland Mission (id=2743) Galea, Joseph Cassar (id=8352) The Virgin Mary (id=7965) Thomas, Randall (Archbishop of Canterbury) (id=4917) Thompson, Austin (id=3786) Toynbee Housing Association - Thompson, Jim (id=5812) Tillotson, John (id=7280) Tooke, John Horne (id=3098) Trotter, Edward (id=7038) Tymms, T Vincent - London Baptist Association (id=3951) Woodberry Down Baptist Church - Tymms, T Vincent (id=6598) Venn, Rev John - Venn, Dr John (id=4336) Villanueva, Pascual Chávez - Bosco, John - Micallef, Paul - Viganà, Egidio (id=8281) Vincent de Paul (id=3389) Vivekananda, Swami (id=1149) Von Hugel, Baron Friedrich (id=1152) Walsh, Walter (id=5831) St Pancras New Church - Wand, William (id=6258) Wand, William (id=7035) The Methodist Church - Wardle, William Lansdell - Wesley, John (id=6367) Watts, Isaac - Abney House (id=1320) Wesley, Charles (id=6727) St Marylebone Parish Church - Forset, Edward - Douce, Edmund - de Crespigny, Claudius - Wanley, Humphrey - Figg, James - Gibbs, James - Hoyle, Edward - Rysbrack, John Michael - Ferguson, James - Ramsay, Allan - Wesley, Charles - Storace, Stephen - Stubbs, George - Bentinck, William (3rd Duke of Portland) - Watson, Caroline (id=5085) Wesley, Charles - Wesley, Charles Junior - Wesley, Samuel (id=1181) St Marylebone Parish Church - Bacon, Viscount Francis - Hogarth, William - Gibbs, James - Sheridan, Richard Brinsley - Wesley, Charles - Byron, Lord - Nelson, Horatio (id=3061) Wesley, Charles - Wesley, John (id=3062) Wesley, John - Wesley, Charles (id=2024) Wesley, John (id=6210) Wesley, John (id=1885) Wesley, John (id=8184) Hanbury Hall - Wesley, John - Dickens, Charles - Besant, Annie - Marx, Eleanor (id=1728) Wesley, John - Wesley, Charles (id=3607) Wesley, John - Wesley, Charles (id=1735) Wesley, John (id=1952) White, Edward - Nicholles, John (id=4071) Whitefield, George (id=8752) Williams, George (id=1203) Williams, John (id=1927) Willliams, David - Royal Literary Fund (id=5590) Wiseman, Cardinal Nicholas (id=2968) Wiseman, Cardinal Nicholas (id=5159) Wood, Bishop Wilfred - Soweto uprising - Mahlangu, Happy (id=7043) Woodward, G R (id=3863)