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91 plaques (and 93 names) with a category of Statesman

The Blackburn Pavilion -  Raffles, Stamford (id=7293) Andrada, José Bonifacio (id=7602) Artigas, José (id=7616) Bevin, Ernest (id=113) Bright John - Cobden, Richard (id=151) Buxton, Charles - Buxton, Thomas - Wilberforce, William - Clarkson, Thomas - Macaulay, Zachary - Brougham, Henry - Lushington, Stephen (id=6971) Brougham, Henry (id=2811) Pymmes House - Wilson, Thomas - Burleigh, William Cecil - Cecil, Robert (id=3040) Burns, John (id=1349) Castlereagh, Viscount (id=1604) Castlereagh, Viscount (id=1605) Chamberlain, Joseph (id=1434) Chamberlain, Joseph (id=2719) Churchill, John (1st Duke of Marlborough) (id=7415) Churchill, Randolph (id=221) Cicero, Marcus Tullius (id=5140) Clay, Henry (id=7534) Colbert, Jean-Baptiste - Dumont, Jacques-Edme (id=8416) Constantine, Learie (id=254) Constantine, Learie (id=253) Cripps, Stafford (id=267) Gibson, Anna - Cromwell, Richard (id=4986) Cromwell, Thomas - King Henry VIII (id=4474) Tower Hill Scaffold - Courtenay, Henry - Cromwell, Thomas - Howard, Henry - Seymour, Edward - Wyatt, Thomas - Howard, Thomas - Wentworth, Thomas (id=6832) Curzon, Marquess (id=278) Pope John Paul II - de Marco, Guido (id=8196) Siege Bell War Memorial - de Marco, Guido (id=8206) de Marco, Guido (id=8211) Dilke, Charles Wentworth (id=323) Cadboro - Douglas, James (id=4064) Douglas, James (id=4142) Douglas, James (id=4149) Douglas, James (id=4130) Beaver - Douglas, James (id=4061) Duncan-Sandys, Edwin (id=2084) Fawcett, Henry (id=7108) Fox, Charles James - The Intrepid Fox (id=5157) Fox, Charles James (id=409) Fox, Charles James (id=5535) Franklin, Benjamin (id=2895) Franklin, Benjamin (id=411) Franklin, Benjamin (id=7632) Franklin, Benjamin (id=7536) Gaitskell, Hugh (id=434) Gaitskell, Hugh (id=5741) Canterbury Association - Godley, John Robert (id=3778) Godley, John Robert (id=457) Grey, Edward (id=475) Haldane, Richard (id=1813) Pepys, Samuel - Harley, Robert - Etty, William - Stanfield, Clarkson (id=854) Henderson, Arthur (id=1386) Hore-Belisha, Leslie (id=541) Huskisson, William (id=554) Huskisson, WIlliam (id=6148) Hyde, Edward (Earl of Clarendon) (id=1796) Kosciuszko, Thaddeus (id=7627) Metternich, Prince (id=2588) Metternich, Prince (id=740) Milner, Alfred (id=750) Nabuco, Joaquim (id=779) OHiggins, Bernardo (id=1801) OHiggins, Bernardo (id=6904) Paoli, General Pasquale (id=2827) Pasha, Mustapha Reschid (id=838) Patel, Vallabhbhai (id=840) Petty-Fitzmaurice , Henry (3rd Marquess of Lansdowne) (id=4994) Entente Cordiale - Petty-Fitzmaurice , Henry (5th Marquess of Landsdowne) (id=4453) Pombal, Marquess of (id=884) Raczynski, Count Edward (id=901) Raffles, Stamford (id=3451) Raffles, Stamford (id=3273) Raffles, Stamford (id=3379) Raffles, Stamford (id=2665) Robert Lowe (Viscount Sherbrooke) (id=8103) Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (id=5794) Sokolow, Nahum (id=1033) Stanhope, Philip (4th Earl of Chesterfield) (id=1478) Stanhope, Philip (2nd Earl of Chesterfield) - Stanhope, Philip (3rd Earl of Chesterfield) - Stanhope, Philip (4th Earl of Chesterfield) (id=2721) Talleyrand, Prince (id=1089) Talleyrand, Prince (id=2610) Tower Hill Scaffold - Laud, William - Vane, Harry - Sidney, Algernon - James Scott (1st Duke of Monmouth) - Radcliffe, James (3rd Earl of Derwentwater) - Simon Fraser (Lord Lovat) (id=6831) Vane, Harry (id=1146) Hyde Park Corner - Wellesley, Arthur (1st Duke of Wellington) (id=7347) Wellesley, Arthur (1st Duke of Wellington) (id=7138) Battle of Waterloo - Wellesley, Arthur (1st Duke of Wellington) (id=5510) Wellesley, Arthur (1st Duke of Wellington) (id=8683) Cadiz Memorial - Wellesley, Arthur (1st Duke of Wellington) - King George IV (id=8002) Wellesley, Arthur (1st Duke of Wellington) - King George IV (id=6436) Wellesley, Arthur (1st Duke of Wellington) (id=5175) Wellesley, Arthur Charles (4th Duke of Wellington) (id=1178) Westminster Hall - Wentworth, Thomas (id=6564)