195 Plaque(s) (and 212 Names) in Australia

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First Tanderrum (id=3285) Former Money Order Office (Melbourne) (id=3286) Melba, Nellie (id=3287) Scots Church (Melbourne) (id=3288) Melbourne Athenaeum (id=3289) Block Arcade (Melbourne) (id=3290) Duke of Wellington Hotel (Melbourne) (id=3291) Former State Theatre (Melbourne) (id=3292) St Paul's Cathedral Precinct (Melbourne) (id=3293) Former National Mutual Life Association Building (Melbourne) (id=3294) Newspaper House (Melbourne) (id=3295) Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (id=3296) Burns, Robert (id=3297) Clarke, William John (id=3298) Gordon, Charles George (id=3299) Gordon, Adam Lindsay (id=3300) Hotel Windsor (Melbourne) (id=3301) Former Leitrim Hotel (Melbourne) (id=3302) Former London Chartered Bank (Melbourne) (id=3303) Harley House (Melbourne) (id=3304) Chapter House (Melbourne) (id=3305) Darwin Defenders (id=3306) Dunlop, Edward Weary (id=3307) Valentich, Frederick (id=3308) La Trobe, Charles Joseph (id=3309) Ford, Henry Bayles (id=3310) No 13 RAAF Radar Station (id=3311) Griffiths, John (id=3312) Dick the Bushranger (id=3313) Wishart, James (id=3314) Gordon, Adam Lindsay (id=3315) Robe House (id=3316) Flinders, Matthew (id=3317) Flinders, Matthew - Baudin, Nicolas (id=3318) Grey Masts (Robe) (id=3319) Caledonian Inn (Robe) (id=3320) Hateleys Bakery (Robe) (id=3321) Skye Cottage (Robe) (id=3322) St. Peter's Anglican Church (Robe) (id=3323) Granny Banks Cottage (Robe) (id=3324) The Kirk (Robe) (id=3325) Skearborst (Robe) (id=3326) Moorakyne (Robe) (id=3327) The Obelisk (Robe) (id=3328) Chinese Memorial (Robe) (id=3329) Customs House (Robe) (id=3330) Cooke, James and Archibald (id=3331) Kingston, George Strickland (id=3332) Brigantine Maria (id=3333) Watson, Ethel (id=3334) Harbourmaster House (Victor Harbor) (id=3335) Working Jetty (Granite Island Victor Harbor) (id=3336) Crozier, Richard (id=3337) The Breakwater (Granite Island Victor Harbor) (id=3338) Independence (Schooner) (id=3339) Old Police Station (Kingscote Kangaroo Island) (id=3340) Kingscote War Memorial (id=3341) HMAS Hobart (id=3342) Queen Elizabeth II - Prince Philip (Duke of  Edinburgh) (id=3343) Nuyts, Pieter - Flinders, Matthew - Baudin, Nicolas - Sturt, Charles - Barker, Collet - Light, William (id=3344) Hindmarsh, John (id=3345) Wakefield, Edward Gibbon - Gouger, Robert - Torrens, Robert - Angas, George Fife (id=3346) Herbert, Michael (id=3347) Hindmarsh, John (id=3348) Thomas, Robert (id=3349) Metropolitan Hotel (Adelaide) (id=3350) Sturt, Charles (id=3351) Stuart, John McDouall (id=3352) Stuart, John McDouall (id=3353) Stuart, John McDouall (id=3354) Queen Adelaide (id=3355) Queen Elizabeth II (id=3356) Darke, John Charles (id=3357) Hill, Clem (id=3358) Bradman, Donald (id=3359) Smith, Ross (id=3360) Angas, John Howard (id=3361) Linnaeus, Carl (id=3362) Adelaide Lunatic Asylum (id=3363) House (Adelaide) (id=3364) Mawson, Douglas (id=3365) Way, Samuel (id=3366) Hughes, Walter (id=3367) Radford Auditorium (id=3368) Dowie, John (id=3369) Battle of Lone Pine (id=3370) Flinders, Matthew (id=3371) Oliphant, Mark (id=3372) Lee, Mary (id=3373) Bragg, William Henry (id=3374) Bragg, Lawrence (id=3375) Florey, Howard (id=3376) Napier, Mellis (id=3377) Mitchell, Roma (id=3378) Raffles, Stamford (id=3379) Time Ball Tower (id=3380) Yalumba Distillery (id=3381) Old Bank of Adelaide (Angaston) (id=3382) Old Methodist Church (Angaston) (id=3383) Seppelt Family (id=3384) Queen Elizabeth II (id=3385) Road Builders Memorial (Katoomba Blue Mountains) (id=3386) Second Convent of the Sisters of Mercy (Sydney) (id=3387) First Convent of the Sisters of Mercy Sydney (id=3388) Vincent de Paul (id=3389) The Old Presbytery (Sydney) (id=3390) The Settlers (Sydney) (id=3391) Reibey, Mary (id=3392) Sydney Harbour Bridge (id=3393) White, Patrick (id=3394) Mackellar, Dorothea (id=3395) Richardson, Henry Handel (id=3396) Conrad, Joseph (id=3397) Keneally, Thomas (id=3398) Corris, Peter (id=3399) Tennant, Kylie (id=3400) Trollope, Anthony (id=3401) Stewart, Douglas (id=3402) Doyle, Arthur Conan (id=3403) Stead, Christina (id=3404) Hewett, Dorothy (id=3405) Wright, Judith (id=3406) Carey, Peter (id=3407) Greer, Germaine (id=3408) Astley, Thea (id=3409) Hughes, Robert (id=3410) James, Clive (id=3411) Humphries, Barry (id=3412) Hope, A D (id=3413) Michener, James (id=3414) Bandler, Faith (id=3415) Slessor, Kenneth (id=3416) London, Jack (id=3417) Lawson, Henry (id=3418) Twain, Mark (id=3419) Kipling, Rudyard (id=3420) Williamson, David (id=3421) Paterson, Banjo (id=3422) Collins, Peter - Writers Walk (id=3423) Brennan, Christopher (id=3424) Franklin, Miles (id=3425) Shute, Nevil (id=3426) Dennis, C J (id=3427) Darwin, Charles (id=3428) Lawrence, D H (id=3429) Stevenson, Robert Louis (id=3430) Fort Macquarie Tram Shed (id=3431) West, Morris (id=3432) Gilmore, Mary (id=3433) Bean, C E W (id=3434) Gibbs, May (id=3435) Eco, Umberto (id=3436) Herbert, Xavier (id=3437) Turner, Ethel (id=3438) Lawler, Ray (id=3439) Park, Ruth (id=3440) Travers, P L (id=3441) Bali Bombing Memorial (id=3442) Fallen Lifesaves Memorial (id=3443) First Government House (Sydney) (id=3444) Phillip, Arthur (id=3445) Second Fleet (Australia) (id=3446) Bligh, William (id=3447) Barney, George (id=3448) Cook, Captain James (id=3449) Soudan Contingent (Sudan New South Wales) (id=3450) Raffles, Stamford (id=3451) Conservatorium of Music (Sydney) - Greenway, Francis (id=3452) Mrs Macquaries Chair - Macquarie, Elizabeth  (id=3453) Watson, Robert (id=3454) Jenkings, Harry (id=3455) Stead, Christina (id=3456) Queen Victoria (id=3457) Prince Albert (id=3458) Dalley, William Bede (id=3459) Pope Benedict - Pell, George (id=3460) City Railway (Sydney) (id=3461) Flinders, Matthew (id=3462) Matthew Flinders Cat (Trim) (id=3463) Bourke, Richard (id=3464) Horbury Terrace (Sydney) (id=3465) Wyoming Building (Sydney) (id=3466) Mitchell Wing (Sydney) (id=3467) Robertson, John (id=3468) Customs House (Sydney) (id=3469) First Fleet (Australia) (id=3470) Burke, Henry (id=3893) Conellan Airport - Fraser, Malcolm (id=3471) M Special Unit - Z Special Unit - MV Krait (id=3472) Cairns War Memorial (id=3473) Lawson, George (Yorkey's Knob) (id=3474) Lionel Moody & Alexander Lucuz (id=3475) Andreassen, Severin (id=3476) Mount Emerald Air Disaster (id=3477) Japanese Air Raid (Queensland) (id=3478)