23 Plaque(s) (and 30 Names) in Postcode: E10

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Lammas Day (id=1821) Beck, Harry (id=1822) Plaatje, Solomon (id=1823) Cunningham, Laurie (id=2123) Leyton Library (id=2124) Wiseman, Cardinal Nicholas (id=2968) Cornwell, John Travers (id=2967) Great House - Tench, Fisher  (id=2965) Former Essex Cricket Ground - Sutcliffe, Herbert - Holmes, Percy (id=2966) Leyton Town Hall - Johnson, John (id=2964) Lea Bridge Stadium (id=2969) Kennedy, Lena (id=2970) Cunningham, Laurie (id=2975) Leyton Orient Football Club (id=2976) St Mary's Church (id=2977) Leyton United Charity Almshouse (id=2978) Carnegie Library - Carnegie, Andrew (id=2979) Bakers Almshouses (id=2980) Leyton (id=4728) River Lea Watermills (id=4729) Great Forest of Essex (id=4730) Cornwell, John Travers (id=6452) Leyton War Memorial - Clapton Orient Football Club - The Footballers' Battalion (id=6453)