A collection of Blue Plaques (and other colours), and Memorials, mostly in London

Total Number of Plaques: 8697


Total Number of Names on Plaques: 10845

Gender List (No. of individuals of each gender)
Female: 1310Male: 6054Neither: 3481
18%82%(buildings etc)

Category List (7364 Men and Women) (Number of individuals in each category)  category/gender analysis 
Actor265Anarchist29Archaeologist3Architect227Armed Forces394Author545
Civic Officer103Comedian120Composer111Conductor17Courtesan18Crime and Terrorism49
Dancer32Director76Emergency Services35Engineer178Entrepreneur233Explorer97
Head of Government229Historian65Illustrator46Inventor89Lawyer79Medical266
Scientist239Sculptor159Singer191Social Reformer459Sportsman276Statesman93

Category List (3481 Historical Sites and Buildings) (Number in each category)
Architectural Gems126Armed Forces113Art Group9Charitable107Churches etc259
Crime and Terrorism61Disasters67Education144Historical London667Historical non-London154
Hospitals etc115Legal14Literature31Misc213Music57
Parks and Gardens101Political Group41Pub74Publishing17Religious Group87
Science and Engineering34Sport51Stately Homes32Trade Group73Transport180
TV Film Theatre159World War History495

Type List (8697) (Number in each type)
Bust214Charity Scholars10Clock Tower21Foundation Stone314Fountain / Trough65
Frieze / Relief330Ghost Bike9Grave355Memorial200Memorial Stone163
Mural / Mosaic187Parish Marker20Photograph95Plaque5765Statue485
Tree / Bench / Garden191Victoria Cross36War Memorial237

Plaques recently added to this website

10 20 50 100 250

Prince Edward Duke of Kent 2 Eliot, T S - Singhvi, Laxmi Mall The Swedish Residence in London Guiness, Rupert Fletcher, Percy The White Hart Mitcham Attenborough, David - Princess of Wales Conservatory Kew Gardens WW1 War Memorial Sainsbury Exhibitions Gallery - Sainsbury, Lord John - Sainsbury, Simon Equiano, Olaudah

Top 12 Postcodes (No. of individuals in each postcode) postcode/category analysis more postcodes & other countries

Map of Locations Note: some plaques contain multiple names, so number of plaques is not necessarily equal to number of names.